The Coffee Shop

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((Hey, quick note to say that this IS relevant, I just thought I'd give y'all a tiny break from all the hardcore 3,000 word level drama. Have some EraserMic for the road. And yes, I'm aware it's practically accepted throughout the fandom that these two live together, but let me have this please-

  Aizawa sat alone, hair up and slight makeup covering his practically trademark scar. He sported a white t-shirt, a long black jacket and a pair of long black pants. Not exactly his usual attire, but suppose that was the point for an undercover pro. He was certain that just about everyone in Japan knew about the carnival incident of last month, but thanks to the screen in the corner of the café, he knew that the stories were not the same.
  True to his word, I suppose Toshinori has kept the police force out of our hair. I'd expect no less.
  He thought, taking a sip from the cup before him. The place was busy, for being so close to its general opening time; but it had a reputation, so suppose that was to be expected.
  Another tweny minutes pass. The hidden hero looked to the clock above the small doors.
  He's late.
  Aizawa pulled out his phone to check for any messages of excuse, only to find nothing of the sort.
  Where is he?
  Just as he was about to call his friend, the door swung open somewhat dramatically.
  Hizashi rushed across the floor, swiftly seating himself across from the cloaked hero before him.
  "I'm so sorry, you wouldn't believe the demand for me to cover the carnival on the podcast, and my listeners are ruthless. I ran overtime, but I got over here as quickly as I cou-"
  "Shhhhh. So much for discreet conversation. About a third of the café is looking at us, aren't they?" Aizawa asked, not even looking up from his coffee as he acknowledged his friend's presence.
  Hizashi looked about as minimalistically as he could manage, only to find that Aizawa was correct. Slowly, he sat down, clearing his throat and trying again.
  "Sorry. A-anyway, why did you call me here again?" He asked, picking up a menu and intensely lowering his voice so as to not appear conversing with the man in front of him.
  "I wanted to begin plans for our next encounter with Midoriya and his captor."
  Hizashi froze, looking up from the menu.
  "Now?? But we've barely even got a hint of where they're at now, not to mention next." He said, his voice fluctuating in tone but managing to stay relatively quiet.
  "Maybe not. But I think I have an idea."
  Hizashi lifted his head, hair clearing from his face. (It was down mostly, aside from a small bun at the top of his head.)
  "Like what?"
  Aizawa pulled a map out of his jacket, unfolding it just enough so that his companion could read easily.
  "If you really look at it, they seem to be alternating in their attack areas. First they struck in a public area, then a secluded park near midnight. Now I understand that they had to go public in able to retrieve our student, but he then proceeded to ask us about the next location. Since that didn't go all too well, they're likely to attempt something bigger, seeing as a small area did next to nothing for them."
  "What kind of logic is that?"
  "Villain logic. Why did the league attack Hosu? Publicity. Now that the story's been altered, they're bound to get their twisted truth out one way or another. Not to mention it could be another method of throwing a target on our backs. Think about it; if someone manages to get that encounter out without knowing the full context of the situation, it could lead to a worsened opinion of UA, thus likely growing their numbers. No?"
  "Oh." Hizashi said, seeming somewhat disappointed in himself.
  "Well, if they ARE planning to attack publicly, what are you trying to say?"
  Aizawa circled the two dotted areas on the map with his finger.
  "I'm saying that so far, all of the sites of attack have been at least a few kilometers off from campus. Oddly close, you know? They could be trying to establish a warning, or threat, but I just think it's somewhat conspicuous that they've stayed within our bounds. Almost like they're trying to bring the fight to us."
  "And your point is...?"
  Aizawa paused, looking over the marked area map.
  "Nothing yet. I just think it'd be wise to keep an eye on the distancing."
  Hizashi nodded in agreement, understanding his friend's words.
  "Yeah, good idea. But you said you had an idea?"
  "Right. This may be wrong, but I think their next appearance may be... here." he said, pointing at an area about five inches parallel to the initial carnival site.
  Hizashi leaned over the map, head slightly tilted to the side and an eyebrow raised.
  "Why there?"
  "Well... I'm not quite sure. But as I said before, all attacks have been in the general vicinity represented by the colored dots. They got close, way too close, to our home base, and they failed. It would only make sense that they start moving back out, no?"
  Hizashi moved back into his seat, once again entertaining the charade of silence with his peer.
  "Yeah, I suppose." he said, quickly silencing as a waitress came by.
  Aizawa had returned his empty cup to the young lady, and was quick to start the conversation back up.
  "Again, it's just a hunch of mine. It could change with the next few weeks, or..." he paused, accepting his once again filled cup of coffee from the server and taking a sip, "I could be right. I guess we'll just have to wait."
  Hizashi eyed his colleague, taking the map from him and folding it back to its original form.
  "I guess we will."
  "Jeez, Sho... I'll give it back tomorrow."
  The server put Hizashi's drink on the table, which he accepted with a surprisingly quiet "thank you".
  "Really? A milk tea?"
  "What?? You know I'm not all too partial to coffee!"
  "I know... I just don't think I've seen you have one before. Kinda cute."
  Hizashi smiled, taking a drink in the company of his friend.
  They enjoyed the rest of the morning there in comfortable silence.

((See? Short. :)

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