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*Alex POV*
Reign had won and now my sister is in a coma looking hurt and vulnerable in the tank . I can't focus on what will happen if I lose her because if I do I won't be able to focus on saving her. Brainiac told me that we could save her but we need to go into her mind but I can't do it alone and we need more than me, John, James, will, Monel and Imra we needs karas closest friend and I know who to go to. Barry Allen and who ever will come to save kara I'm going now

*no ones pov*
Alex went to karas apartment and looked around for the machine that would send her. She looked at the picture of young kara and young Alex and she stared. She couldn't lose kara. Kara was her little sister, kara was always there for her and she will be there for kara. She snapped out of her thought and looked for the machine that opened a breach that's what kara told her but she never really understand it. She spots the device and activated it and walks through
*At star labs*
*Barrys pov*
I got a phone call from Cisco
"Barry come quick we got a breach" and I ran as quick as I could to star labs where I see karas sister Alex come out from it. I recognised her from my wedding. Something must have happened because karas not here. Oh no

*No ones pov*
Barry: are you okay, what's wrong, what happened
Alex has a sad look on her face as she started to speak
Alex: it's kara. She was fighting reign an evil kryptonine and she was hurt bad. We need your help to wake her up and anyone else who might have an emotional relationship with kara.
Barry looked shocked. The girl of steel was in trouble kara who had helped him and his friends when they were in trouble. Who was his superfriend. Who sang at his wedding. Of course he was going to help and he knew who to call

Barry:of corse I will help you, and I know who to call

*an hour later*
Oliver:Barry what are we doing here you said it was an emergency
Sara: yeah
Barry: Thanks got coming so quick Alex can you explain
Alex: Yeah sorry to bother you guys but I need your help. Karas in trouble and we need to bring her out of her mind but it can be dangerous so I understand if  you don't want to.
Sara: wait supergirl as in the girl of steel, what happened?
Oliver, felicity, diggle, Sara ,laurel and Thea where all confused  about how the girl of steel was in trouble
Alex: there was a horrible fight (Alex is holding back the tears) and now karas hurt. We need to hurry we don't know how much longer she will be alive.

Alex hurt at the end of that sentence. She didn't want to admit it and now she had to. It stang
*olivers pov*
Of corse I'm going. Kara saves my life and she was always so kind. I'm still confused on how she is hurt she was so strong

*Generals POV*
Caitlin and Cisco joined the room. They had already agreed on helping and so did everyone else. And Alex opened a portal and everyone walked through.

Thea, Oliver, Sara, Laurel, felexity, diggle all felt sick after coming through the portal and confused where they were.

John: welcome back to the feo everyone Alex we need to talk

Alex: okay but you can say it front if these people kara trusts them so do I

(Oliver blushed silently when Alex said that)

John: It's bad news, her mind won't be able to keep going the way it is. She has a day tops. That what brainy said and he said whatever you are planning on doing should be soon. And be careful your in her subconscious you have no idea what is happening

Alex let a tear drop. She needed to hurry up. She looked back and everybody looked like Alex, upset. Alex didn't realise how much supergirl mean to them and she's not willing to lose her.

"Come on everyone we need to hurry" Alex said showings everyone it karas room. When they got into it they alll gasped at kara. She looked hurt and in pain and emotions less. Like she can't feel anything like she's dead. That scared everyone especially Oliver and Barry and Alex. She saw mom el and Imra and rolled her eyes. She hated mon el for that he did to kara. How broken he made her feel but whatever resentment Alex had for mom el she needed to save kara. Suddenly brainiac appeared out of nowhere startling everyone.
"Are you ready, I have talked to kara and she seems fine but she doesn't know she's lost
Alex knew what the loss what do to kara but they didn't have time to think of a plan. Alex simply told team flash and team arrow not to tell kara and I think they understand what she would feel like. Oliver suddenly speared and said that we should get connected
We put on the headsets brainiac gave us and we closed our eyes

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