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*olivers pov*
We followed brainy and got plugged into some machines (me, Caitlin, Cisco, Alex, Lauren, diggle,Barry, Thea, John, James, Winn, mon el and Imran). Brainiac started to count to five but I felt my eyes closing before he said 0. Then I open them into a random apartment to see kara. She looked surprised but happy. She walked over to us and gave everyone a big hug. I even hugged her backed and I could see the glances from Thea and Sara which made me laugh. Which made kara laugh which made me smile even more.

*General pov*
Kara: Hey guys, what's wrong
Barry: can't we just visit our girl of steel
Sara: It almost sounds like you don't want us here
Thea: I am deeply offended (while laughing)
Kara: of course you can but I can't remember the last time we got together and it wasn't because something was happening. Except Barry's wedding but that ended up in nazis wanting my heart
Oliver: what if we missed you
Diggle: Oliver admitting that he missed someone, wow
Oliver was blushing from embarrassment
Laurel: wow oliver are you blushing
Kara can't stop laughing
Kara: I missed you guys too how did you get here Cisco's breach?
Felecity: something like that
Cisco: no we didn't
Alex: Cisco
Caitlin: we promised we wouldn't tell yet
Kara: tell me what. Is this about that man that came and said I wasn't here, that I was in a coma. I assumed that it was a joke or something but if it's true then how are you here
John: It's a long story
Winn: it's, its, it's complicated
James: kara, are you okay
Kara:No because no one telling me anything
Mon el: kara look
Kara: Mon el what?
The way kara said that was so angry that it stunned everybody except for the people who ha slime the situation :Alex, John, win, James, mon el and Imran

*General pov*
Kara noticed the awkward silence
Kara: Alex I need to talk to you in my bedroom
Alex: okay kara
Kara: sorry guys won't be too long
Everyone just looked at eachover knowing what Alex was going to tell kara was going to hurt her

*Karas pov*
I'm so confused. We get into the bedroom and she hugs me. I'm not surprised but something about the hug seems like it's the last one, the look in her eye, the hold on her arms. Now I know somethings wrong.

*Alex pov*
Every time I look at her I see her on the table looking hurt and broken. And now I have to tell her what happened. When we got into the room, I gave her a hug incase something was going to happen. I cant lose her, my sister, I love her too much.

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