Kenny part 2

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Barry: why are you sorry Alex
Alex: because I was so mean
Winn: wait towards Kara because I wouldn't have seen that coming
James: Winn shut up
Kara: it's coming on

*Alex:Where were you?
Kara:None of your business.
( Oliver: goody  two shoe Kara Danvers were you sneaking out?
Laural: I can't believe it
Felecity; everyone has a past
Diggle:you should see felicity's past she had
Felecity: shut up diggle
Barry: know I want to know
Caitlin: yeah tell us
Everybody giggled except for Kara and Alex who had guilty looks on there faces which John noticed)
Alex: It is, if I'm the one who would get in trouble for whatever dumb thing you were doing.
Kara:I am so sick and tired of you blaming me for every bad thing that's happened to you.
Alex: Really? Because my mom wasn't constantly on my ass before you came along. I didn't have to act like some Earthly ambassador to the teenage underworld before you came along, and I'm pretty sure my dad wasn't gone before you came along.
Kara:How is that my fault?
Alex: Before you crashed in that pod, I had a great life, with two great parents.
And now all I have is you. And you are not worth it.*
Everybody was speechless.
Kara: Alex don't I was being stupid and I know you didn't mean it it was my fault Jeremiah was well is gone and if anyone should say sorry it's me
John: it's not your fault kara
Kara: yes it is if my pod never landed then Jeremiah would still be there
Sara: who's Jeremiah
Alex: my dad, and Kara it isn't your fault and I don't blame you
Kara: you should
Cisco: I'm so confused
Caitlin: Cisco isn't the time
Kara: lets just carry on watching

*young Alex and Kara getting off the bus. Kara uses her superhearing
"Where's the fire? We've got a male body, approximately 17 years of age.
Found on the side of Highberry Road."
Kara:Great Rao. That's my friend.
Police officer: Excuse me, miss.
Sherif:Kara, Kara. You can't go down there. You can't.
Kara:That's my friend. That's my friend.*
Kara: kenny
Alex: you never told me you saw his body Kara
Kara: how could I? I was heartbroken. One of the only people who had made me feel like I could live on earth had just died and I lost my whole world. It felt like
Oliver: like what
Barry: kara
Kara: like everyone who got close to me died and it was my fault
James; Kara you know that's wrong
Felecity: you can't think like that
Thea: yeah
Kara: I know. And I don't.
Sara: I can't even imagine what that must have felt like Kara
Alex: he was so kind
Winn: why did you never mention him
Kara: I don't know
Laural: who killed him?
Kara: the sherif
John: how do you know
Alex: we found it out
Kara: which nearly killed you
Barry: you guys are always in trouble
Oliver: yeah you make me and speedy seem like good children
Sara: the danvers sisters are bad asses even as children
Alex: yeah I guess so

*Agent: Miss Danvers, I am sure that when your parents sent you here, they wanted kara:Don't talk about my parents.You didn't even know them.
Agent: I'm sorry, you're right.You should probably be with your family right now.
Kara:This isn't my family. I remember my parents. I remember Krypton. I remember being alone in that pod and not knowing if I was going to see anyone ever again. And then I landed here. And no one asked me if I wanted these powers, but I have them.
And all I want to do is help people with what I've been given, and no one will let me.*

Kara: I'm sorry Alex. You are my family. You, Eliza, John and most people in this room.
Alex: you have nothing to be sorry about
Sara: me and oli have been through some trauma and most of the people in this room had but nothing like you kara
Oliver: and you are still a symbol for hope
James: not a lot of people would be
Winn: not a lot of people could be
Barry: some people go to really dark places but you kara don't
Laural: you are amazing
Mon el: you really are
John: I have something to get off my chest
Kara: yeah
John: I was that FBI agent
Kara: no you weren't
John: yes I was
Alex: how did you know about kara back then
John: you know it hat your father died saving me and the promise I made him. I always look out for you
Kara: oh John
Both Kara and Alex hug John

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