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*General pov *
Alex: alright, no more crying. Let's go in and get you out of here
Kara: okay
Brainiac: good now you finished your moment come in I believe I found something
Kara: where you listening to our whole conversation
Brainiac: no, well yes. Come on
Alex: okay
Kara dragged Alex out of bed and into the front room. When they entered everybody stared at them and Kara knew they were listening.
Kara: So I guess you heard everything then
Imran: yeah
Mon el: kara look
Kara: mon el we don't have time Brainiac you said that you have some information
Brainiac: yeah, so i took a image of your apartment and then looked around here and found one difference. This is a movie disk and the looks of it the way out is watching this and maybe this will help.
Kara: how do you know I can't get out
Brainiac: the door has no locks on it it's not a door it's an outline of one
Diggle: so we just watch whatever is there and you get out, just like that
Brainiac: I'm not fully sure however it is most likely
Win: what if it doesn't
Brainiac: then karas brian will most likely shut down and she will
Caitlin: Cisco shut up
Kara: it's okay let's just get this over with. The quicker we are out, the quicker reign can't hurt anybody else and I can stop her
Laurel: not you, we
Thea: we can't let you go up against her alone
Oliver:we are here to help you because you help us
Barry: you are not alone, supergirl or should I say my superfriend
Alex: what
John: what's a superfriend
Kara: lets just put the disk in please someone
Thea: okay
Mon el: who wants popcorn
James: shut up mon el
Imran: don't speak to mon el like that
Laurel: can I hit him
Oliver: yeah, you first and I will go second
Sara: what about me? He looks like he would be so easy to hurt. I know multiple ways to each for hurting kara

Mon el looked really scared
Kara: guys stop look the tv coming on the disk is playing

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