The begining

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Kara: I need two tickets in orchestra for Wicked. No, not for Miss Grant. Her mother wants to see it. Yes, again. Sure, I'll hold. Charlie? I'm calling about the Correspondents Dinner, I need to make sure Miss Grant doesn't end up next to Bill O'Reilly again.

James:This was the day i met you right

Kara: Yeah, I was still cats assistant

Felecity: I would hate being an assistant oliver tried to make is once and it wasn't good

Kara: She has a ... frosty wall but she is always there for me even as supergirl and Kara Danvers
Cisco: you say like they are two different people
Winn: well technically they are. Kara treats supergirl as uh not herself. It's kinda weird. Like when mon el left she shut down ka...
Kara looked extremely uncomfortable
Alex: Winn shut up
Mon el: kara what happened when I left
James, Winn, John and Alex tensed
Kara: nothing
Mon el: please tell me kara
Kara: No. It doesn't matter mon el
Mon el: why won't you tell me?
Kara: Why should I?
Kara: don't raise your voice at me

Everyone was now focused on mon el and Kara when kara puches mon el in the face breaking his nose. Oliver has never seen kara look so angry or that look in her eyes. It reminded it of his when he gets too close to going off the edge and that's when he needs help. Kara needed his help. She was about to punch him again when she was interrupted

Oliver: kara calm down

When Kara realised what she was doing she gasped. Why had she got so angry. She rushed over to mon el and picked him up.

Kara: I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me. Are you alright?

Mon el: it's fine, just hurts

Imra came over rushing to her husband while giving Kara a death stare. Alex gave kara a sister state which meant are you okay and Kara nodded but still Alex was unconvinced and everyone was staring at kara. Everybody sat back down where they were but stared at kara

Kara looking down at her note pad while writing down the list her boss gave her
Kara: Got it.
Cat: Also, I've emailed a list.Prepare termination letters for the Tribune employees as noted.But it would be so nice if you handwrote them.Use the lesser card stock.
Kara: You're downsizing the Tribune? But that was your first acquisition.
Cat: Go see if the new art director has the layout ready.It's not that I don't see your frown, it's just that I don't care enough to ask why it's there.
There was an awkward silence in the room which Thea hates
Thea: your boss is a bad ass
Laural: or just plain mean
Sara: it's kinda hot
Oliver: of course you would say that
Barry: ahe is scary and so is Sara so I kinda get it
Sara picked up a pillow and launched it at Barry
Barry: ouch
Cisco: how did you let her do that?
Caitlin: you are literally the fastest man on the earth and you cast ow to a cushion
Thea: that's a bit weird
Alex: I thought you were better than that flash
Kara: Scarlett speedster, you are slipping
Winn: Scarlett speedster I thought you was the flash
Cisco he is so don't go messing up his name because I'm the one who comes up withy thrown it's sorta my job
John: wasn't it the blur
Laurel: you have too many names for one superhero and I'm sorry but who called you the blur
Alex: miss grant karas boss
Caitlin: the one we just saw
Kara: the one that scared Barry
Barry just burst out laughing.
Barry: in my defence she is a very scary lady
That set everybody off even Oliver was laughing
Kara:All those people, they're going to lose their jobs.(INHALES) What's going to happen to them, to their families? They don't have to downsize at the Daily Planet.
Thea: Even when you are not supergirl you still fight for justice. It's kinda cool
Kara: thank you Thea
Cat: Metropolis has a person who wears a cape and flies around performing heroic acts.The Planet puts this superlatives man on their cover 54% of the time.You wanna save the Trib? Go find me a hero kiera
Laural: and she did
Kara: thank you laural
Looking at kara and John has something on his mind which which James could see
James: what's wrong
John: kara I need to do something good still
John out his hand on karas head as her eyes shut. John winces in pain which only meant one thing. Something was wrong

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