The talk

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*General pov*
Kara: Alex your scaring me, why is everyone here? Why are you sad? And who was that blue man and why was he here? And he said I was in a coma

Alex: Kara, you were in a fight against Reign and it was bad. You...

Before Alex could finish kara remembered everything.

Kara: I lost, I wasn't strong enough. Did she hurt anyone
Alex: No she is completely radio silent because kara, brainiac is right, you are in a coma and it's really bad. You could die and I can't loose you but I know you will pull Through because kara toy are so strong.
Kara collapsed into Alex
Kara: I'm not. And Alex I need you to promise me something that if I don't make it through and wake up then you have to keep living and do all the things you want to. Have kids, meet someone, grow old and happy. Because I love you.

Alex: Kara stop. Please. You are going to make it through. I can't lose you

Kara: I don't wanna lose you either. But when I left krypton I never got a chance to say goodbye probably and it still hurts till this day and I'm not gonna make the same mistake Alex because I love you

Alex: I love you too kara.

The two sisters hugged each over whilst clearing the tears from their eyes.

*Meanwhile in the kitchen*
Thea:They do realise we can hear them right like they are not being quiet
Win: Yeah I don't think kara realised how non soundproof her apartment is well her coma apartment is
James: yeah
There was an awkward silence that filled the room when they all heard kara say
I lost, I wasn't strong enough. Did she hurt anyone?
Oliver: why is she beating herself up like that
Laurel: Oliver you can't say anything you always beat yourself up after a massive loss
John: kara takes every loss personally
Like it's her fault because she wasn't strong enough. After everything with the phantom zone and not being there for her cousin she blames herself
Sara: wow I didn't know that she's been through so much
Thea: she's always seems happy
Caitlin: she's been through so much
Oliver feels guilty for misjudging her and thinking she was some cheerleader. He had no idea what she's been through

James: kara tries to be happy all the time I don't know how she does it with everything she's been through
Barry: I knew sow of her story but I know she doesn't really like opening up
Then they heard this

Alex I need you to promise me something that if I don't make it through and wake up then you have to keep living and do all the things you want to. Have kids, meet someone, grow old and happy. Because I love you.

John has a tear from his eye. He couldn't lose his daughter or another daughter. There was tears in everybody's eyes. The thought of losing there hope was to much. They knew she was saying goodbye  and it hurt them all. Kara was there for them all and kind and helped them all. When Barry needed help she didn't ask for what or question it and he hated himself that he couldn't help her. Oliver hates that he couldn't help her. Everyone hates that they couldn't help kara when all she does is help them

I don't wanna lose you either. But when I left krypton I never got a chance to say goodbye probably and it still hurts till this day and I'm not gonna make the same mistake Alex because I love you

None of them could image being so young and living with that all these years. It must have killed her. Barry understand the pain of not being able to save his mother and Oliver with his mother and father. But both of them couldn't image losing their world.

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