Kenny part 1

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*young kara and alex*

Alex:Open the freaking door
(Sara: wow young Alex and Kara were cute but how are we seeing this
Caitlin: maybe it's kara memories but from a different view point
Oliver: yeah
Oliver said while staring at kara and admiring her beauty. Kara saw him and couldn't help but blush
Alex: yeah we were
Alex and Kara broke down into laughter)
Alex:For the love of God! Why did you ever adopt her? I'll never get over this!
(Cisco: spoiler alert you do)
Kara: You're such a whiner!
Alex:I hate you!
Kara:I hate you, too!
(Thea: wow did the unbreakable sister bond that is the Danvers say they hate each other
Win: I can't believe it)
Eliza:Where's your sister?
Alex:I don't have a sister.
(John: if the Young you could see old you, she wouldn't believe it
Alex: I was angry and I didn't mean it
Kara: I know we were young and stupid I hope we see
Alex: kenny
Barry: who's kenny
Kara: he was...
Before kara could say anything the next clip appears don the tv)

Kara: Invisibility, huh? Is that your superpower, Kenny Li?
(Felicity: are you flirting kara
Kara: no
Everyone could see kara blushing and oliver felt a twinge if jealousy through his body. But he doesn't know why because kara isn't his)
Kenny:Yeah, but the asthma is what gets me the girls.
(Everybody laughs)
Kara:I wish I could be invisible.
I can't say or do anything without her blowing up at me.
Kenny:She'll come around. She just misses her dad.
Kara:I miss people, too. I'm not lashing out at the world.
(Alex: I'm really sorry
Kara: you have nothing to apologise for mon el: this is weird to watch the young you
James: you look the same but older)
Kenny:That's because you're the strongest girl I've ever met. What are you doing tonight?
( Barry: he is right. I don't know how you are keeping it together now and back then if that was me then I would be crushed
Oliver: yeah
Kara: it's nothing
Laurel: you are far to good for this world
Caitlin: we have all been through stuff but we are here for eachover)
Kara:Absolutely nothing.
Kenny: Perfect. Meet me at the clearing off of Highberry Road at ten o'clock.
Kara: Okay.

(Alex: I'm sorry for what's coming next
James: what's coming
Winn: kara what's happening
John: we will see
Mon el: are you okay Kara
Kara: don't act like you care mon el
Mon el: kara listen
Sara take a a knife from her pocket and puts it to mon was throat
Thea: mon el stop before you make Sara mad
Laurel : trust me you don't want to see my sister mad
Barry: everyone calm down
John: stop fighting the more time we spend fighting the less time kara has
Imran: kara you are looking very pale
Everyone turned to see th Belinda looking ill.
Kara; I'm fine
Diggle: I'm a doctor no you are not
Kara: don't worry about me let's hurry up
Sara put the knife back into her pocket and sta down

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