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Na_jm.13 Hey, you're Eunji's friend right?

yang.y/n_14 mhm

Na_jm.13 Oh, so you're the bitchy type, I see

yang.y/n_14 yeah, you're pretty good at guessing

Na_jm.13 Because tomorrow will be a 1st anniversary since Eunji died, couple of her friends wants to meet up and like talk about her and stuff.

yang.y/n_14 Nahh, I'm not going. Tomorrow I'm spending this time alone. I'm not the type to hang out with people that I don't know.

Na_jm.13 There are lots of rumors about you, like really bad ones.
And I didn't want to message you I'm only doing it for Eunji since she was your friend, and I'm sure you were important to her. So If you're going to change your mind, just come to her favorite place.

yang.y/n_14 Whatever

When angel meets the devil | N.Jaemin | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now