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October 31st
At the back of the building

Hana: Well Hello! Yang Y/n! How's the pregnancy going?

Y/n: Shut the hell up!

Hana: You haven't told Jaemin yet? You don't want the baby, so just kill yourself. Right here. In front of me. Do you want the knife or should I do it myself?

Y/n: You're fucked up! You won't do it. I'm pregnant.

Jaemin: You're what?

Y/n: Baby, listen...

Hana: It's not yours so go away.

Y/n: It's her fault!! She told some disgusting guy to rape me! I will get an abortion anyway. I don't want this baby to remind me of that terrible memory.

Hana: So? You do it or should I!

Jaemin: Hana, leave her alone. That's enough! You already hurt her! She's 19 and she's pregnant, she will get hurt more by people at school.

Hana: I don't care so shut up. Think faster y/n!

Jaein: Yah! What's happening here?

Jeongin: Hana?

Y/n: Jaein, Jeongin please hold Jaemin.

Jaein: Why?

Y/n: Just do it!!

When they were holding Jaemin, I looked at them and then turned tk Hana.

Y/n: Do it!

Jaemin: NOOO!! Let me goo! She'll get hurt!!

When Jaemin got away from Jaein and Jeongin, it was one second too late. She stabbed me in my belly. I only remember them calling my name and Jaemin catching me in his arms before falling on the ground.

Kim Hana you won this time.
But I'll be back stronger than I ever was. You'll pay for what you did.

When angel meets the devil | N.Jaemin | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now