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Jaemin POV

Jaemin: y/n-ah, open the door please.

When the door opened I saw Jaein. Jeongin looked at me with a shocked face.

Jeongin: When did you came?

Jaein: I came here at 7AM.

y/n: Oh, baby what are you doing here?

Jaemin: I was worried, you haven't answered your phone nor texted back to my messages.

y/n: Sorry, my phone was on mute.

Jeongin and I walked into her room, Jeongin sat at the chair that was standing next to her desk. y/n and Jaein were sitting on the bed, I was just standing in confusion trying to read y/n's face.

Jaemin: Did you do something?

y/n: No, I didn't. Why would I? I don't have a reason for that.

Jaemin: Be honest with me. I was in Jaein's room in the hotel to check on Jeno but she wasn't there. It was 5AM when I checked and I stayed with Jeno the whole time. Here's the first lie. What's next?

Jaein: She really didn't do anything.

Jaemin: If she did, then that's really bad you're on her side. y/n-ah, show me your hands.

y/n: I really didn't do anything. You don't believe me?

Jaemin: You lied about Jaein coming here at 7AM. Please show me your hands, if you didn't do anything I'll say sorry.

Jaein: Jeongin-ah, there was something in your room that had me curious. Let's go!

They left the room and closed the door.

Jaemin: Baby, please show me your hands.

y/n looked at me with her puppy eyes and slowly pulled the sleeves up, that's when I saw a lot of fresh cuts.

Jaemin: Y/n-ah....

y/n: I'm sorry....

y/n POV

He silently took his backpack and sat down next to me. He took out his small first aid kit and started treating my wounds.

y/n: I'm really sorry...

I layed my head on his shoulder, I looked at his face. He looked mad. While he was taking care of my wounds he didn't say a word. After he was done he just stood up. He looked at me and gave out a small sigh.

Jaemin: What am I suppose to do with you now?

y/n: You can do whatever you want...

Jaemin: Here, drink water I think you need it. I'll have to punish you.

I cutely pouted at him.

Jaemin: No kissing and cuddling for a month.

y/n: You can't do this to me. You know I love you with my whole heart.

I went up to him and started being clingy. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

y/n: Are you still mad?

Jaemin: *No response*

I whispered something to his ear.

Jaemin: Now it's just you being thirsty,  I told you to drink water.

y/n: I said I'm sorry!

Jaemin: Baby, who said I'm mad at you. It's not something I should be mad at you. Something had to happen for you to do it. So now you will be a good girl and will tell me everything.

Both of us sat down on my bed.

y/n: I found Eunji's letter. It wasn't Hana's fault... It was really my fault. Because of me she killed herself, because of our stupid fight.

Jaemin: What happened?

y/n: I was already hurting myself before Eunji's death, and Eunji said she couldn't even look at my hands. She hated seeing me in that state. She was taking care of me, and after some time her parents died in a car accident. She started hurting herself and because of her I was hurting myself too. And one day I fought with my parents, I went to her house and started crying, she was mad at me and always said I should be thanking them for having a good life. We haven't talk for a month and she texted me. She started saying that she can't handle this anymore, the situation between us and her other friends is killing her. And the next day we find out she took too many sleeping pills.

While I was telling the story, Jaemin was reading the letter.

Jaemin: Did you read the whole thing?

y/n: How can I do that? I've hurt her.

Jaemin: Baby, Eunji wrote that It's not your fault and she's sorry that it ended like this, and that she knows you'll be sad and blaming yourself.
Listen, Eunji was a great friend and I know her for years she never blamed her friends. One time she got in trouble because of me, and she was always saying "It's fine, It's my duty to protect you as a friend".

y/n: I made her suffer so many times, If I would be able to protect myself from the bullies back then she wouldn't get in trouble. She always protected me and I didn't know she needs my protection too.

Jaemin: You didn't know she's not ok, I didn't either. I should be blamed too, but I know that she hates when her friends blame themselves, so I don't do it. You shouldn't blame yourself either and I'm here for you, so if anything happens come to me. Now it's my duty to protect you.

I hugged him tightly. I was glad he texted me those few months ago, if not him I probably wouldn't be alive either. I hope that I can get better and stop hurting myself. Now that I think I should've read the whole letter and not punishing myself after few words.

Na Jaemin, I promise you I won't hurt myself anymore.

Park Eunji, I promise you I won't blame myself and for you I'll live well.

Yang Jeongin, I promise you won't have to be worried about your older sister anymore. Noona will be  protecting you from now on.

Sorry if I made any mistakes, English isn't my first language.

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