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* At the Hospital *

Jaemin: Is she ok?

Dr.Kang: Your wife and the baby is fine, you don't have to worry. She only has some bruises and scratches on her body.

Jaemin: Thank God!

Jaein: Aren't you going to her?

Jaemin: I was terrible to her, how can I face her right now?

Jaein: She's your wife, and I'm sure she wants to explain everything to you. Hwayoung is trying to ruin your marriage, so just go to her before I kick your ass.

Jaemin: I get it! Don't hurt me... please.

* Jaemin went into the room y/n was staying after the accident. He was really nervous since he knew he will get his ass beaten by a pregnant woman *

Jaemin: How do you feel? Are you ok?

y/n: How can I be ok? - y/n said with a very calm voice not looking into her husband's direction.

Jaemin: I'm so sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have reacted this way. I'm really sorry.

y/n: The thing that I'm most mad about is you questioning if the baby is yours. Of course it's yours. I could never do this to you, you're the only person who tried to actually help me when I was acting like a total bitch. And it would happen again if you'd leave me.

Jaemin: I know baby, and I'm really sorry... I couldn't think straight... I'm really sorry.

* Jaemin was standing in front of her bed, he was scared that he will get beaten but surprisingly, y/n wasn't as mad as he thought she is. She was just scared that she'll be alone again. After the serious talk, Jaemin went closer to her and kissed y/n on her forehead. *

Jaemin: I love you, and I wouldn't leave you even if you would cheat on me. Because you're the only one I love and I'll ever love. I don't care if I would get hurt, cause I'll forget about it fast but you can't get hurt. I can't hurt you, I don't want to anymore jump to Han river after you. I hate seeing you in Hospitals.

y/n: We'll be back here in 3 months...

Jaemin: Yeah, right... But this time it'll be the best time of my life.

y/n: Oh, really? What about our wedding?

Jaemin: Right after that... Hah

y/n: Let's say you're telling the truth.

Jaemin: I am telling the truth.

y/n: I didn't say that I don't believe you.

Jaemin:You're mean. Are you still mad?

y/n: How's that mean?

Jaemin: Nevermind.

* Jaemin hugged y/n and a second later she hugged him back. She loved the warm feeling he always gave her. *

When angel meets the devil | N.Jaemin | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now