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Jaemin walked you home and told Jeongin everything that happened at school. Jeongin was of course worried about you. You never could tell your parents about what people call you or think about you. When you and Jaemin were at the café you opened up and told him about everything. He understood what you were feeling but he asked you to promise him you won't hurt yourself because it won't solve your problems. The rest of the day you spent with your brother.

Jeongin: Can I ask you something?

y/n: Yeah sure

Jeongin: Do you like Jaemin?

y/n: You know I can't like him or any other boy. I don't want to get trough the same thing again. Hana ruined my relationship with Xiaojun, I don't want to be hurt again.

Jeongin: Maybe it will be different this time?

y/n: You saw what's happening to me because of Hana and other people. I will be only a burden to him.

Jeongin: If that's what you think, but please stop hurting yourself. I can't look at you being hurt, it's breaking my heart.

y/n: I really don't deserve a brother like you. You were there for me when everyone pushed me away, and supported me in everything. Thank you Jeongin-ah.

Jeongin: It's my duty to take care of my older sister.

y/n: I should be taking care of you.

Jeongin: I can take care of myself, you're the one that needs to be taken care of. You're hurting yourself, Hana is after you. We don't know what she may do.

y/n: Yeah, you're right. And that thing with Jaemin is not going to happen, we're only friends and it should stay like this. He and I will only get hurt...


When angel meets the devil | N.Jaemin | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now