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Jaemin - > y/n

Jaemin: Baby, are you awake?

Jaemin: y/n-ah?

Jaemin: Yang y/n?

Jaemin: Is everything ok? You didn't do anything bad, right?

Jaemin: I'm worried, pls text me back.

Jaemin - >Jeongin

Jaemin: Jeongin-ah, is your sister at home?

Jeongin: She is, but I think something happened. She haven't been talking to us from yesterday. She locked herself in her room and doesn't want to come out. She haven't eat from the last meal everyone had yesterday before going to the beach.

Jaemin: I'll be there in a few minutes.

Jeongin: I'll tell my parents that you're coming.

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