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The Secret

You were the only one that knew the reason why Sohee and Eunji died, because it was the same person who made it happen. It was Hana, your cousin. She destroyed them mentally, which caused this tragedy. You are too scared to tell anyone, because you know you're next and your mental health isn't great. Hana made you weak, you weren't as strong mentally as you were. Your cousin knew that it will be great to come at you since your not mentally stable after Eunji's death. You had scars on your wrists, thighs you had bruises all over your body. You weren't ok. But it's getting a bit better since you met Jaemin, he has that thing that makes you feel safe, comfortable and you just know he won't hurt you. He's an angel that came to help you. And you started falling for that beautiful angel that is always there when you need him...

But you know that he will only get hurt if something will actually happen to you...

Na Jaemin I love you, but like this it will be best for you

When angel meets the devil | N.Jaemin | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now