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September 15th
Jaemin POV

I was getting really worried since y/n didn't text me that she's home. I should've took her home. I was calling - no answer. I was texting - also no answer. I was walking around my dorm thinking what could happen. Hana could've do something, or she had an accident or...

Renjun: Could you please stop walking around. I'm gonna puke because of you.

Haechan: I'm sure she's fine.

I looked trough the window and I saw that it started raining.

Jaemin: Should I just go look for her?

Renjun: She's not a baby Jaemin-ah.

Jaemin: It's been already an hour, and she lives 30 minutes from here.

Haechan: Maybe she stopped by somewhere.

Jaemin: Ahh, I'm going crazy!!!

Jeno: Why are you screaming?! It's 11PM.

Haechan: He's worried about y/n. Because she didn't text him nor call him that she's home.

Jeno: Jaemin-ah, she'll be fine. Just be patient.

30 minutes later

We were all sitting on the couch and waiting for y/n to text me or call me. Suddenly we heard the door bell ring.

Jaemin: I will open it.

When I opened the door I saw y/n. She was all wet. Her skirt was torn and her shirt wasn't fully buttoned.

Y/n: J-Jaemin....

Jaemin: Baby, what happened to you? Come in I will give you my clothes.

When I turned around, I felt her hugging me.

Jaemin: Hey, what's wrong?

Y/n: H-Hana was there and a guy. I-I don't know him...

Jaemin: Did he do something to you?

I only felt her moving her head up and down very carefully. I was so angry. That girl was giving me a headache. How can a cousin do something like that.

Jaemin: It's ok. You're safe now.

I turned around and hugged her, then she started crying.

Jaemin: It won't happen again... I promise I will make sure that any guy won't touch you again.

Y/n: Jaemin-ah...

Jaemin: Hm?

Y/n: Thank you.

Jaemin: For what? I haven't done anything.

Y/n: That you're not mad at me.

Jaemin: How can I be mad at you? It's not your fault baby. You were forced. I would never get mad at you, especially when it's not your fault.

Y/n: I love you...

Jaemin: I love you too

When angel meets the devil | N.Jaemin | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now