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24th December
Jaemin's POV

Jaemin: Jaein-ah!

Jaein: Oh Jaemin, you're here.

Jaemin: Did she wake up?

Jaein: Unfortunately, no. I'm sure she will wake up soon. She's strong. What about Hana? Will she get punished?

Jaemin: She will only have to pay her 45.500$

Jaein: Are you serious?

Jaemin: I find out that she slept with the judge and she payed some other people.

Jaein: She's such a Bitch. How can someone like her actually be y/n's family. Y/n is like a little devil, but she, she's a Satan.

Jaemin: I know but for now we have to focus on y/n waking up. If she's not going to wake up today, I'm stoping believing in Christmas Miracle.

Jaein: To be honest, same.

We walked into the room where y/n was laying, and we couldn't believe in what we saw. Jeongin was laughing... with Y/n.

Jeongin: Hi guys! You're here. We wanted to call you and tell you but we kind of forget.

Y/n: Hi, Jaemin! I'm glad you came.

She was smiling like nothing happened. Like she had a cold and got better. But she wasn't awake for longer than a month. I was really confused. Did Jeongin didn't tell her about the miscarriage?

Jaein: What are you guys laughing about? There's nothing to laugh about. Y/n you lost the baby, how can you laugh.

Y/n: Jaein calm down. I said that I won't give birth to that baby, I know that it's a human being and all. But I don't want to give birth to the baby of a rapist. There are some things that all of you won't understand, but it's mostly my decision. Jaemin wasn't the father so this decision was up to me. Try to understand me. Don't be mad at me Jaein.

Jaemin: The most important thing is that you're fine, and that you're awake.

I walked up to her and give her a big hug.

Jaein: What were you laughing about then?

Y/n: Because Hana is in jail.

Jaemin: She's not, I found out that she only has to give you money and that she slept with the judge so she won't go to jail.

Y/n: Who told you that? Our mom called and said that she went to jail, because she went there to slap that bitch.

Jaemin: Why did you even let her stab you?

Y/n: I did some research, and I knew how to stand to not die. I wouldn't die, the knife went lower that's why I miscarried.

Jaein: You're fucking crazy! I like it but not in a way that you can get hurt.

Y/n: I hurt myself so many times that no one else can hurt me beside myself.

Jaemin: Don't do it anymore. I thought I'll lose you. We all thought that.

Jaein: How long will you be here?

Jeongin: She has to stay for a month, since she woke up today and stuff they have keep her for a while to make sure she will be fine when she will go home.

Y/n: I wanted to go today since it's Christmas but I don't know if they will let me go for a few hours.

Jeongin: I'll go and ask.

When angel meets the devil | N.Jaemin | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now