~Chapter Six

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Tallstar lept from the barn, careful for not veering rowards the large plant-feild. He began to follow Fangs' difrections; Head north. He started at a trotting pace, carrying the mouse in his mouth. His jaws clamped to the mouses' tail tightly, and he could feel the limp prey dangling from his mouth, steadily. 

He could feel a faint breeze, carrying a storm. A storm was brewing up; Even sooner than he expected. "Hopefully, I can head north for a few territory lengths, and maybe reach cover, or even better, the Twolegs' dens." He sighed to himself. He countinued on, feeling happiness boil up inside of him. 

Tallstar began to run, wating to feel the wind in his short fur. He reached the shelter of trees, and was feeling the soft "trumpth trumpth trumpth" under his feet as he kicked the leaves out of the way. He leaped over a log, his tail streaming out from behind him. He could go for miles, like this. His bulky mucles bunched up as he strode, his tail whipping behind him.

Tallstar could see a great oak ahead of him, and veered to the left, to avoid collision. By now, the soft pattering of the rain began to hit him, and the winds started up. He could see the twoleg walls, now. Excitement bubbled in him, as he strode to the fences, sniffing them. "KITTYPET!"  he gasped. He smiled, and shifted. Suddenly, he could hear something behind him. A soft panting covered his back, and the smell of crowfood filled his nostrils. "Dog."

Tallstar slowly glanced behind himself, and noticed small, golden eyes peering at him. The dogs' jowls were pulled back, into a grin, that showed twenty-six shiny, white canines. Tallstar screeched, and turned head over heels. He began to run, long way, beside the twoleg walls. He leaped onto a red, stony rock, and ran from there.

The dog gave chase, thinking it was a game. He was obviously going to rip Tallstar's pelt off. Tallstar shifted for a moment, so feel his body weight shift. A pang of anxiety, then dread filled him up, as he noticed that he was falling off the twolegs' wall. By now, the rain was pouring. 

Tallstar hit the ground with a mangled screech, and quickly got back up. The large dog was running, full speed towards Tallstar. 
"STARCLAN! HELP ME!" Tallstar yowled.

"FLEA BAG! GET AWAY FROM TALLTAIL!" A young toms' voiced sounded behind him. "Tallstar turned, to see his old friend, Jake, leap towards the dog, claws unseathed. "JAKE! NO!"

**Sorry this chapter is kinda short, and the wait for this chapter was kinda long. You see, I kinda had gotten writer's block, for a few days. But now, I'm back up on my feet. Expect more chapters to come soon!

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