Chapter 1

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Queens, Day 1

Aunt May was worried: Peter had gone out on one of his "patrols" around Queens.

She had discovered that her nephews so called "Stark Internship" was that he'd been going around as that hero Spider-Man.

Peter had told her that he'd been doing it even before he'd went to Germany with Mr. Stark.

Aunt May sighed and looked at the time on the oven clock. It was 11:30. 'Don't panic May...he could just be stopping a robbery or something.' She thought anxiously looking out the window Peter went out of.

'I'll give him twenty more minutes.' Aunt May thought getting her phone.

When twenty minutes went by and Peter still hadn't come home, Aunt May went to her emergency contacts and hit the number at the top:

Tony Stark

Avengers Facility

"Still no sign of Vision and Wanda?" Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man asked Rhody, a.k.a. War Machine as Tony was looking at the computers.

Rhody shook his head, holding his head in his hand. "No, Tony; you've asked me that about fifty times now. It's almost like they-."

"Mr. Stark? You have an emergency call from Ms. Parker." Tony Starks a.i. Friday interrupted. Tony froze for a second at hearing the word 'emergency'.

"Put her through, Friday." He said.

"M-Mr. Stark?" May Parker was saying. She sounded panicked...that wasn't good.

"Hey, May? How's it going? I'm assuming your calling to go on a date?" Tony Stark joked trying to calm her down.

There was an awkward silence for a couple seconds. "Peter hasn't come home from patrols yet...I've tried contacting him several times but he hasn't answered." She said almost stumbling over her words.

Tony pause...the kid hadn't come home yet? Since the kids aunt had figured out the internship, she'd established a curfew which was a little irritating in Tony's mind.

"Well, you know teenagers- they like to be out late." Tony said, but May huffed her frustration.

"Stark- I-"

"Let's talk about that dat-"

"Alright May...sorry. I'll see where he is." Tony Stark said, finally getting serious. Out of the corner of his eye, Rhody was shaking his head.

"Friday...get Parkers location." He commanded his a.i. as he also continued looking for Vision and Wanda.

"Sir...his tracker is offline." Friday said after a minute. Tony Stark froze.

"Offline? It shouldn't be offline; it can't be offline!" He yelled, slamming the desk.

May Parker was silent on the other end.

"'d better find him or so help me I will call the police." She finally said emphasizing her words.

"I'll find him May...I promise."


Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man blinked his eyes open slowly and painfully. He'd been on patrol stopping several robberies when he'd gotten ambushed by someone.

As he looked around, Spider-Man realized he was he was in a rundown apartment. 'At least it's not a cliche warehouse.' He thought.

Then he realized something...his mask was off! He saw it shoved in a drawer; he also noticed that the door to the apartment was locked.

Trying not to start panicking, Peter looked for way to escape, but there weren't any windows.

Peter tugged on the zip ties that were around his wrists, seeing if they were tied to the chair...and sadly they where.

"Great..." Peter muttered, looking around for anything to get himself free, but he couldn't see anything he could cut the zip ties with.

An idea popped into his head and Spider-Man tried pulling his arms over his head but the ties stuck to the chair.

Peter swore, wishing whoever had kidnapped him was a little more stupid than he turned out to be.

Looking over to his mask, he decided to try to activate Karen, the a.i. in the suit. Hopefully he could try to contact Mr. Stark.

"K-Karen." Peter said. He waited for the a.i. to activate, but nothing happened. He tried again, swearing when she didn't turn on.

Spider-Man looked around again, trying to see if there was any way out, even though he knew there wasn't.
Panic started to fill the young heroes chest as he started to feel claustrophobic in whoevers apartment this was as he started remembering when that building fell on him.

Just when he thought things couldn't get worse, the door knob began to turn.

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