Chapter 5

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3:00 pm

May Parker paced in her kitchen, starting to feel hopeless. The only thing she could to do help  her beloved nephew was call the police, but Stark told her to keep it quiet for now and tell the school Peter was sick.

She sighed and looked at her phone, which showed the emergency  buttons, tempting her to call the police.

'Just...just hold on a little longer.' She thought, turning her phone off. May sat down on the couch and grabbed her cup of tea she'd abandoned, trying to calm herself as tears flowed down her cheeks.

??? 5:00 pm

Peter felt like he had when the building had fallen on him during the confrontation with Toomes: broken.

Except this time, Peter didn't know if he could even save himself. His face was all bruised and he was pretty sure several ribs were cracked and he could barely see with a black eye.

"You're one tough kid." Shocker had muttered at one point while he'd slammed his fist into the boys jaw.

Now Peter was slumped over in the chair while the two villains discussed what do with him.

"I thought breaking this brat would be a lot easier." Scorpion muttered, holding his chin in his hand.

"Problem is, we don't know if he has any family or anything, so we can't threaten him that way." Shocker said, looking at the unconscious hero across from him.

"If only." Scorpion said, looking at the young hero across from them.

Avengers Facility 9:30 pm

"I got it!" Ned declared as an icon popped up on the computer. Tony Stark had taken Michelle
and Ned to the Avengers facility, telling there school that they were both sick.

Tony and Rhody jumped, Tony almost spilling a cup of coffee. Michelle jerked up, having fallen asleep on her drawing pad.

The two heroes went to look over Neds shoulder. There it was, a blip on a grid map, where Peter Parkers exact location was.

"Good work, kid...have you ever considered working for Stark Industry's?" Tony asked, receiving a look from Rhody.

Ned looked up at Iron Man. "R-really?" He asked.
"Sure! Why not? You're good at computers. You'd make a great asset to my team."
Stark said, shrugging.

Ned's eyes widened. "That'd be awesome...Mr. Stark." 

"Anyway...shouldn't we go rescue SpiderMan?" Rhody asked, drawing Ned and Tony's attention back to the main point.

"Y-yeah. Sorry." Ned said.

"So...are you know. Go get Peter?"  Michelle asked.

Tony nodded. "Yeah...I'll rescue the friendly neighbor hood Spiderman."

South Side of Queens, 12:00 am, Day 3

Shocker had left the apartment several hours ago and now it was just Scorpion and the nocked out kid.

He was about to wake up the kid, when there was a knock on the door. Sighing, Scorpion got up and went over to the door and began to unlock it.

'Maybe it's Shocker.' Scorpion thought, as he started to open the door.  When he opened it a quarter of the way he froze.

Iron Man was standing right in front of him. "Didn't I arrest you months ago?" The hero asked.

Scorpion was too shocked to speak. Then he got a metallic punch to the face, sending him flying across the apartment, slamming him against the wall, his lights knocked out.

Iron Man stormed into the room, seeing Spider Man with his mask off, passed out in a chair, hands cuffed.

'Oh kid.' Tony thought, approaching the teen cautiously. Peter still startled awake as War Machine came in.

"M-M-Mr Stark!?" Spider Man asked, blinking in surprise, but Iron Man noticed his hands where shaking violently, as he raised them up to defend himself.

"Yeah, it's me kid, don't worry." Tony said, popping his face mask open.  Peters shoulders sagged in relief.

"Can you get up?" Iron Man asked. Peter nodded, starring fearfully at the nocked out form of Scorpion as War Machine dragged him up and hauled him over his shoulder.

It took the young hero a minute or so to stand, tipping slightly from lack of sleep. "Where's your mask?" Tony asked quietly. Peter pointed to a desk behind Iron Man, who turned and went to get it.

"H-h-how....?" Spider Man asked, his voice hoarse, as the older hero went to the desk drawer and pulled open the top drawer where the mask was.

"Actually, it was your friend Ned who found you. Rhody and I just did the grunt work."
"Cool." Peter said, too stunned and exhausted to think about it too much.

Iron Man gave the younger hero his mask back. " alright?" Tony asked, noticing the kid was swaying.

"Not...really." In one step, Iron Man caught the kid before he completely fell over. Peter was completely out, but he still had his mask grasped in his fist.

"Let's get you home." Iron Man muttered.

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