Chapter 2

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As the person opened the door, Spider-Man froze, waiting to see who it was coming in.

For a horrible second he thought it was Toome, also known as least that's what Peter called him anyway.

But Vulture was in jail...Mr. Stark had seen to that.  As the figure walked in, Peters eyes widened.

It was Scorpion


??? 12:00 am

"Good. Your awake." Scorpion said, closing the door to the apartment and locking several locks that Spider-Man had noticed earlier.

"And now I know what you look like under that stupid mask." Scorpion chuckled, waving the mask at Peter.

Peter was still shocked by who'd kidnapped him, blinked as he realize he'd been staring.

"This?" Scorpion asked, thinking Peter was shocked about his mask being off.

"You aren't getting it back until I'm done with you." Scorpion shoved the mask back into the desk drawer and made a show of it being shut firmly.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Scorpion asked, as he opened a different shelf, looking for something.

SpiderMan finally pulled himself together, eyeing the drawer where the villain had shoved his mask.

"Wh-who was the big guy?" Peter asked, his voice cracking, now remembering a giant of a man slamming his fist on top of his head.

Scorpion paused and looked at Peter. "Wow...I thought you were young, but I actually didn't believe that Tony Stark wrapped a kid in his business." He commented.

Peter glared at him. "Anyway...that 'big guy' was my prison buddy. They called him you can see why."

Spider-Man rolled his eyes forgetting his mask was off, but Scorpion didn't seem to notice. He closed the drawer he was looking in and crossed his arms, hiding whatever he found.

"So...what do you want?" Peter asked. Scorpion chuckled.

"You aren't really good at this are you, kid?" Scorpion asked. SpiderMan scowled.

"I put you and your boss in jail." The young hero shot back.

"More like Stark did." The grunt said.
"Anyway...what I want is your name."

Peter deadpanned. "You really think I'll just give you my identity?"

Scorpion smirked, pulling something out from behind his back. "No...but I think a with a little help from my friend Mr. Tazer, you will."  He said, turning the police grade weapon on.

Peters eyes widened at the blue sparks zapping to life. He'd seen plenty of tazers on tv and when cops used them sometimes when villains got roudy during arrest...but he'd never been zapped by one himself.

His  Spider Senses...what he called his newly discovered ability, where going off like fire works in his head as Scorpion came closer to him.

"So...what'll it be, Spider-Man?"

Queens, 12:30 am

"Have you found Spider-Mans last location?" Iron Man asked his A.I. as he soared through the late night sky.

After a minute of silence, Friday, responded, giving him the address. He flew past the kids apartment, hoping May Parker wasn't looking out the window. 

Getting close to the street Peter had been, Iron Man saw a cluster of police cars and a giant of a man surrounded. 'Guess that guy drank a lot of milk as a kid.' Iron Man thought as he landed by the group.

The police near by were startled when the hero landed with a big thud on the concrete and approched them. "Stark! What're you doing here? This isn't on your pay roll." A police woman said, making a couple heads turn.

Tony rolled his eyes. He was the one who came up with the pay roll; so it didn't really apply to him.

"Um...yeah it is...and I'm here on serious business; not to give you a show, ma'am. What happened here?"

The police woman blinked for a second, before returning to professionalism. "A group of robbers lead by Scorpion and the big guy over there, tried to rob that
Pandora shop across the street." The woman explained.

Iron Man waited to have more information; this sounded like a thing the kid would've tried to stop...even though he probably should've called him, since the guy across from Tony was a giant.

"Anything else?" The hero asked impatiently. A different cop answered him, the woman going over to who looked like the officer and pointing at him.

"I saw Spider-Man trying to apprehend them in the store; I'd just arrived in my car. He was doing well, until Rhino - that guy over there - tackled him into the alley in the back and I haven't seen Spider-Man since." The man said.

Iron Man glared at the officer under his mask. "You didn't bother checking on him!?" He asked, knowing the poor cop, didn't know Spider-Man was fifteen.

" He was gone when we finally got to Rhino." The young police man replied, shrinking a little under Tony's tense voice.

Iron Man froze. "You didn't see where he went at all?" The cop shook his head.

"Why are you so interested? He fights with you in Germany once and what? Now he's your best friend?" The police man asked, starting to type down notes in a tablet.

Iron Man shook his head and stormed toward Rhino. Three cops where trying to pin his arms
and two where trying to cuff his wrists. "Hey!" Tony said as he approached.

The big villain turned his head and glared at the hero, snorting. 'Wow...he really acts like a Rhino.'

"What did you do with Spider-Man?" Iron Man shouted. Rhino tilted his head, as if he didn't know who Tony was talking about.

"You know who I'm talking about! Red and blue? Spider on his back?" The police started toward Iron Man, trying to tell him off.

The hero waved them away. Rhino nodded, seeming to remember and grinned, making a smashing motion, jostling the police who were still trying to cuff him.

'Not much of a talker I guess.' Tony thought. After that, Iron Man headed over to the alley behind the store. There was a huge whole, where the cop said that Rhino tackled the kid
through, trying to see if he could find anything that could help his investigation.

After a few minutes, Tony almost gave up until he saw something in he rubble. He went to
dig it up and found the kids school backpack. It was crushed and the straps where completely gone. Tony checked inside of the backpack, since it was shredded open.

Iron Man almost chuckled, but the situation was too serious right now. Peter had his school books and homework. Tony guessed he'd brought it on patrol with him.

"Friday...scan the backpack for any other kind of chemicals or DNA."  A minute went by.

"Analysis shows there are chemicals on the backpack that are linked to poison."
Friday responded.

Iron Man cursed, knowing who deals with poisons.


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