Chapter 9

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A month later...

"How was school?" Aunt May asked as Peter came in through the door.

"Great. I an A on my English paper." He said, hanging his backpack on a chair .

Aunt May smiled. Peter had been doing well since the incident. Not great, but he'd started to finally be more or less like himself again.

Every other week or so, the news would talk about Spiderman, wondering if the webbed hero had hung up the mask or not.

Some people had claimed to see SpiderMan, even though he'd been off the streets for almost a month and a half.

Aunt May had some suspicions though, since there neighbor had said Spider Man had gone after a man who'd stolen there purse.

Aunt May smiled to herself; there'd been another incident where Spider Man had found a lost pet.

Looking at her nephew, she kept smiling. 'Always a hero.' She thought.

"So uh...have any plans this afternoon, SpiderMan?" May asked, chuckling.

"I-I uh...thought he could make his grand come back, ya know?" Peter said, crossing his arms.

"Well...don't forget to text me, ok?"  May said as he went to go change into his costume.

He gave her a thumbs up as he closed his door.  A minute or so later, Peter came out of his room with his costume on, except for his mask.

"Now, make sure you text me alright? If anything happens-"

"I know May." Peter said, smiling.

His Aunt beamed at him. "Alright, SpiderMan...don't be late ok? I larb you."

Spider Man was almost out the window when he turned around and went back to hug his Aunt one more time.

"I larb you too." Peter said and then he headed out the window.


Spider Man stood on one of the tallest buildings in Queens, surveying the city, waiting for something big(ish) to happen.

"Anything, Ned?" Spider Man asked, having Ned on his speaker phone.

"Nothing yet, Spider Man." Peter could practically hear the grin on Ned's face.

There was a moment of silence, then suddenly sirens started whirring.

"Ned?" Spider Man asked.

"House fire in the suburbs. That's several miles from where you are, Pete. Think you can handle it?" Peters best friend asked.

"Yeah. No biggie." He said. Peter knew though that Ned had meant mentally. He'd been getting a lot better.

He still had nightmares, but not every night like he used to. Michelle helped him with breathing techniques when he was at school and Ned always lifted his spirits when he was down.

Aunt May of course was always there. Once and a while Mr. Stark checked on him.

Sometimes Peter and Mr. Stark would hang out at the Avengers Facility and Peter would give the billionaire a run down of his week.

So with everyone helping him, Peter had gotten better. He still needed help, but inside he normally felt great now.

"Pete?" Ned asked as Peter Parker put on his mask and became Spider Man.

"Ready Ned. I'll call after the fires out." The hero said and hung up.

Peter got a thumbs up emoji in reply.

Looking out over the city once more, Spider Man smiled under his mask and shot his webs into the air to launch himself.

Launching off the building, Spider Mans smile grew wider.

'So good to be back.' Spider Man thought as he zipped through the city of Queens and into the distance.


Shocker paced his apartment, trying not to punch everything to pieces. 'Damn Stark and that Spider brat.' He thought, not knowing what to do.

With Scorpion and Toomes in jail and Tinker no where to be found, he didn't really know who to turn to.

He had heard of a Mr. Otto Octavious, who'd been working on some kind of machine at Oscorp, but Shocker had know idea how to reach him.

Suddenly, his phone rang, causing him to jump. Picking it up, Shocker looked at the number. It was unknown.

Curious though, he picked it up anyway.

"Hello?" He asked cautiously.

"Why hellllllo there. Is this the man who goes by the alias of Shocker?" A looney sounding voice said on the other end.

"Uh...yeah. Who is this?" Shocker said.

"Just a person who's a big fan of you and your gangs exploits is all." The voice said.

"How? We did most of our work at night." Shocker replied. The man on the other end laughed.

"I have my ways." Was all the man said.

"What do you want?"

"To make a team, man. To take down that Spider kid and his mentor Stark."

"I'm listening..." Shocker said cautiously.

"I can get your pals out of jail for you. All you need to do is visit a Mr. Otto Octavious for me and try to convince him to join our little team."

"Do we have a deal?"

"Hold on a sec. I don't even know your name or anything." Shocker said, grabbing a sticky note and a pen.

"What if I need to call or something? How will I know it's you or whatever? Do you have some sort of alias or something?" Shocker asked.

The man on the other end laughed again.

"Just call me..... Mysterio."



                        Spider Man will return

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