Chapter 3

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??? 1:15 am

Pain coursed through Peter like nothing he'd felt before. The electricity made the hairs
on his arms stand on end. Tears streaked down his cheeks.

"All you have to do is give me your f******name! Stark showed the world who
he was! Why can't you?" Scorpion shouted at him, pressing the tazer harder into Peters abdomen.

"Aaaaaaggggh." Peter replied, the pain too much for him to think strait.

"What was that?" Scorpion grinned sadisticly. Gripping the sides of the chair, Peter screamed in pain, his muscles twitching from the electrocution.

"St-st-stop." Peter whispered with a stutter. Scorpion leaned in mockingly, pointing his ear at the kid hero.

"What?" The villain asked. 

Peter flinched, the villain to close for his comfort. "P-p-please...agh!"

Spider Man was in too much pain to finish his sentence, so the tazer remained jabbed into his stomach. Scorpion grabbed Peters hair, to force the boy to look at him.

"You know," the villain said as if he was going to tell the screaming boy a story .'Go to heck.' Peter thought, trying to glare at the villain through the pain. "I thought Toomes and I where friends, but when I met him in jail he wouldn't give me the identity of Spider now I have to do it myself!"

Peter couldn't here the villain through his own screaming. 'He'd have to give up soon right?' Spider Man thought painfully, tasting salty tears.

Soon Peters eyes got heavy from the pain. Eventually he passed out, still feeling electricity passing through him, wondering where Iron Man was.

1:45 am

Peter jerked awake, panic rushing through him, wondering why he wasn't being tasered anymore.

It looked like Scorpion had fallen asleep on a couch to his right. He tensed, waiting to see how sensitive of a sleeper the villain was.

Peters very tense shoulders relaxed just slightly, every muscle in his body traumatized from being electrocuted. 

Looking to his left, where the drawer that held his mask captive, Spider Man tried thinking of ways to get to it, but his brain literally felt fried.

He couldn't even think of a good analogy, he was so tired. Peter sat for several seconds in his own silence, praying every couple of seconds that Scorpion would stay asleep, so he wouldn't have to go through another tazering. 
Peter froze when he saw the device in Scorpions hand. He knew it couldn't hurt him since it was turned off, but Peters brain started freaking out just from looking at it.

'C-calm down, Peter, its can't hurt you.' He thought trying to calm himself, but failing, his eyes locked on the taser.

He decided to turn his head and try not to think about it, even though his muscles where twitching in stress.

'Think, Peter, Think!' Spider Man thought to himself, desperately looking around the room for anything useful.

The only problem was, was that the closest thing Peter could see was the desk. He looked to see if there was anything he could use to free himself from the zip-ties.

Spider Man almost gasped, when he saw a pair of scissors in a can with pencils and other stuff he hadn't noticed before. Peter looked over at his captor, thankful that he was asleep.

He was glad the only other person in the room was asleep, since he had to turtle walk with his chair, which made a lot of noise every time Peter made a step.

Muscles aching, Peter eventually made it to the desk and pulled out the scissors with great difficulty. Sitting his chair back down as quietly as he could, he could feel the scissors in his hand.

'Man...Scorpions a heavy sleeper.' Spider Man thought, making the first semi-quipp he had in a couple hours, finally feeling a little more like himself.

Suddenly Scorpion jerked awake, startling the young hero, causing him to drop the scissors.  'No no no no no no!' Spider Man thought, panic rising in his chest as he watched the man sit up and glare at him.

"Did you really think I'd let you escape that easily?" Peter sat frozen, like a deer in the headlights, hands starting to shake.

Scorpion stood and cracked his knuckles on each hand, causing Spider Man to flinch
each time.

Peter didn't answer, too petrified to talk. He'd figured his chair had been too noisy...but had Scorpion actually been awake this entire time!?

Picking up the taser, Scorpion turned it on, the buzzing, already causing the young heroes
muscles to twitch.

"I think we should continue where we left off...don't you?"

Peter felt like he was going to throw up.

2:30 am

Looking at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time May Parker was pacing back and forth, phone in her hand, hoping she wouldn't have to call the police.

'Please find him Mr. Stark.'  She thought, every five minutes checking her phone.

'Please don't make me call the police.'

Aunt May, went to her text messages and went to Peters contact and went to send him a text:

Please come home, Peter! Your waaaay past your curfew.

She paused before sending it, a thought coming to her. If Peter was in fighting a bank robber or something...her text wouldn't be helpful in anyway. 

Then a horrible thought intruded her mind. 'What if...Peter was kidnapped?' Aunt May shook her head. 'C'mon May...get a hold of yourself. No one would kidnap Spider Man right?'

'I hope.' She thought, looking at the window where she'd thought her nephew would come from.

5:30 am

Peter was exhausted. Every other hour or so, Scorpion would torcher him and try to get him to tell him his name. It had almost slipped out a couple times, but the young hero had managed to catch himself and try to quip instead.

Spider Man was starting to wonder if Iron Man really had no idea where he was and his hope was starting to seep out of him.

He had gotten the scissors at some point and had actually gotten free and out of Scorpions apartment...until he made it to the end of the hall and one of Scorpions goons or whatever had jumped him and nocked him out with chloroform. (Which Peter had remembered learning about in chemistry)

Scorpion had taken that as a high offense and had broken Peters wrist. Now Peter was cuffed (He had wondered where Scorpion even had handcuffs) and trapped in a closet.

But for now Peter didn't mind,  since Scorpion said something about a mission and had stepped out.

He tried to stay awake for several more minutes, but exhaustion over came the young hero and he fell into a troubled sleep.

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