Chapter 6

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Avengers Facility, Three Days Later

Peters eyes fluttered open. He was starring at a blank ceiling. Had he dreamt about Mr. Stark saving him? Or was he still in Scorpions apartment? Sitting up, he realized he was in a bed.

Rubbing the much needs sleep out of his eyes, Peter looked around. He was in a basic looking room, yet it was a lot nicer than his bedroom.

'Where am I?' He wondered, getting up. Looking down, he realize he was still in his Spider Man costume, his mask

'Ugh...I feel like I got hit by a bus.' He thought, yawning, then heading over to the door.

For a second, Peter froze, noticing a bandage on his wrist;  he'd forgotten it'd been broken.

He had remembered the evil look on Scorpions face as his wrist hand bent further and further. Suddenly the door opened in front of him, causing the young hero to jump, bringing him back to reality.

The door had opened to reveal Aunt May, who dropped her tea mug.

"Peter!" She exclaimed, making Peter jump again. "Au-Aunt May! I-I" Peter tried to say an apology, but was wrapped up in his aunts hug, the touch making him a little tense.

"I...I'm sorry Aunt May...I missed my curfew." Peter choked out, tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, Peter...don't worry about that, honey; I'm just glad you're safe and sound." She said, stroking his head, trying to comfort him.

"I-I just..." The fifteen year old couldn't finish his sentence, his head on his Aunts shoulder. For a minute, both he and his Aunt were crying in relief.

Soon Aunt May finally released him, holding his face in her hands.

"Um...hey, May? Where are we exactly?" Peter asked after finding his voice.

Wiping tears from her eyes, May smiled sheepishly.

"Well...since Stark rescued you, he'd preferred that you stay out of the hospital, so...we're in the Avengers facility."

Coming out of the room, Peter saw Ned and Michelle lounging in a huge living style room.

"G-guys!? What're you doing here!?" SpiderMan exclaimed. MJ looked up at him with a small hint of surprise, but Ned jumped off couch and turned around.

"Peter! Oh my gosh! You're alive!" Peters friend said, running up to him and giving him a hug.

Peter flinched again at the contact. "N-Ned...broken ribs...can't breath." He said, gritting his teeth.
Ned let his friend go. "Sorry, dude. I'm just glad your alright." He said, nudging Peter in the shoulder.

Peter gave a tired grin. "Wh-where's Mr. Stark?" He asked. Aunt May and Ned looked
at each other.

"He went out a while ago, but he should be back soo-."

"Kid!" Tony Stark shouted as he arrived in the living room.

SpiderMan flinched at the shout.

"Are uh...are you alright?" Mr. Stark asked as he approached. The question was a little awkward, but Peter knew Mr. Stark meant well.

"I-I guess so." Peter replied as the billionaire placed a hand on his shoulder, making it hard for
him not to instinctively flinch. 'I guess I'm ok for someone who was held captive for two days.' He thought, looking down at his feet.

Suddenly his stomach grumbled. He realized he hadn't eaten in two days. Then a question formed in his head.

" long was I out?" He asked. Aunt May and Ned looked at Mr. Stark expectantly.

Spider-Man Homecoming: AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now