Chapter 8

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Three weeks later...

"In recent news, Spider Man has not been seen since the attack at the jewelry store four weeks ago. Queens residents have been concerned about the heroes where abouts. We interviewed several residents about the concern of-."

"Hey!" Peter said as Aunt May turned off the tv.

"You don't need to watch the news, hon. It'll stress you out." Peter sighed. Aunt May had been going on and on about things 'stressing him out'.

"May...I'm fine...I promise. I just wanted to know what's been going on." He said, grabbing his backpack off the floor.

"I know.  But your going to be late for school." She said, pointing at the kitchen clock.

It was 7:45. "Guess I'd better get a move on. I larb you Aunt May." Peter said, smiling faintly, but it felt awkward and forced.

He hadn't smiled in weeks and he knew it; since they'd been home, Aunt May had been trying subtly to make him smile again.

For example, making him his favorite breakfast every morning and letting him hang out with Ned until late.

"I larb you too. Call me or text me when you get there. Ok?" She told him, kissing his forehead.

"Yeah, yeah." Peter said, grinning, but he knew May meant well; she had been even more over protective since the...incident, as Peter called it.

For just a second, Peter saw Scorpion grinning at him, with a taser in his hand, electricity sparking and he was walking towards him and-

"Peter?" Aunt May said, touching his shoulder cautiously. The young hero shook his head and blinked, releasing his breath he realized he'd been holding.

"You...alright? If your not feeling ok, tell me. I can tell the school you aren't feeling well."

"Um...I'm fine, May. I'm gonna be late." Peter said, shouldering his backpack. Aunt May gave him a hug, then a gentle nudge toward the door.

"See you later!" She called. Peter looked back at her and waved.


Peter met Ned in there first class and his school routine began. He had several classes with just Michelle and some with both Ned and Michelle...and all of them with Flash Thompson.

Flash had left him alone for a week and a half, but soon, he starting picking on him again.

Teasing him about his Stark Internship and how SpiderMan hasn't been seen for four weeks strait.

Peter had told Flash that SpiderMan had been injured pretty badly during the fight with Rhino and needed a break. Flash had only scoffed at him.

The first time it happened in front of his friends, Peter was in the cafeteria. Ned on the side of him and Michell across from them.

They'd been chatting about 'nerd stuff' as Michelle had put it, even though she'd joined into the conversation when they were taking about Star Wars Episode 9 theories.

His super hearing had picked up a conversation across the cafeteria. It was two teachers discussing the news.

"You heard about Stark arresting Scorpion again, right?" She said casually. "It's been all over the news."

"Yeah. I heard rumors that SpiderMan had been kidnapped and he had to go rescue him. Honestly, I think that webbed 'hero' is a bit of a burden on this city than a help."

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