Chapter 4

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Queens, Day 2

"Ned! Your going to be late for school!" Ned heard his mom call. He looked at his phone: it was 7:25 am. Eight hours since Ned's best friend had stopped texting him...and wasn't sure why. He wondered if Peter was sick or something.

"Ok! Mom!" He shouted as he got his stuff together and headed out of the apartment door.

On his way to school, Ned texted MJ.

Ned: Is Peter at school already?

MJ: Maybe. Maybe not.

Ned rolled his eyes; that wasn't very helpful.

Ned: Well, let me know if you see him.

Michelle didn't text for a couple seconds, the text bubble showing that she was typing.

MJ: 👍

Ned sighed, getting off the bus and headed across the street to school, where of course...he ran into Flash.

"Hey, Ned! Where's Parker? I thought you two where joined at the hip." Flash said, approaching him.

"Screw off, Flash." Ned told him, walking up the steps into the main building. But of course Flash couldn't leave him alone.

"Lemme guess... it's the 'Stark Internship' right?" Flash Thompson teased, making air quotes.

"Yeah I have a Black Widow internship." Flash snorted.

Ned lost Flash in the flooded hallway and headed to his first class, feeling the empty space where Peter always was when he sat in his desk.

As his classmates started to arrive, some people asked him about Peter but most of the other students just ignored him like usual.

Not even fifteen minutes into the class, an announcement was made overhead:

"May I please have Ned come to the Principles office? Ned is needed in the principles office please."

Ned shrank a little as he got a couple stares from his classmates. He picked up his books and backpack. He was one of those kids who never got called to the Principles office, so it was a pretty big deal when he was called.

What could it be for? The only thing that Ned could think of what it could be was that they figured out what he'd really been doing on the computer last year during Homecoming. Helping Peter/Spider Man take down Vulture.

Ned's mind raced as he walked through the hallways and made his way there. That's when he saw Michelle sitting outside the office too.

"What're you doing here?" He asked, a little surprised. Michelle was kinda like him; goody two shoes and didn't get into trouble...much.

MJ shrugged. "What're you doing here, Ned?" She replied, emphasizing the word 'you'.

"Never mind, lets go in." He said, opening the door for Michelle to go first.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Michelle said when she entered. Confused, Ned followed her inside and closed the door. Then he saw why Michelle had said that.

Standing next to the principle was someone Ned never thought he'd get to meet.

Tony Stark, Iron Man...himself.


Tony Stark grinned when the two kids jaws dropped in utter surprise when they walked into the office. Even though he was exhausted, having spent the night searching for Spider Man...well, Peter Parker at the moment, he was glad he still surprised people.

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