𝘐'𝘮 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶

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It was my free period and I was walking to my favorite spot; the dance room in the wing of the school that isn't being used anymore. It was peaceful, and the old looks of the classrooms gave a cool vibe.

  As i was walking through the halls i grazed my hands against the colorful lockers, i liked them much better than the new, boring grey ones.

  I was pretty close to the studio when I heard sniffles and occasional sobs. It was strange for many people to be in this area, so hearing someone upset in such a secluded area is not a good sign.

  I turned the corner of where I heard the sounds and saw a boy crouching with his arms wrapped around his legs and head resting on his knees. I wasn't going to leave him alone, so I approached him slowly.

  "Hey.. what's wrong? If you want to tell me", I felt like it would be stupid if i asked "are you alright". He flinched and I felt bad for startling him, and lowered his head more.

  I decided to ditch the idea of going to the dance studio to comfort this boy. After a little while, he muttered,"They hurt me because I'm different..." I felt my heart break even though I didn't know what he was talking about.

  "W-what? Who?", he only shook his head, not wanting to let me know who hurt him. "Did you get injured? Can I check your face? Should we go to the nurse?", he shook his head but lifted his face, covering his eyes with his arms to wipe tears.

"They're all scared of me...", the boy sobbed, voice breaking. I realized who this is, Han Jisung. A junior, he's in my dance class. He come to the school only a week ago, and he's already suffering. From what I could see, he had a bruise on his cheekbone and was bleeding from his lip.

"Jisung?", I asked to make sure it was him. He quickly covered his face and got up to leave. I stopped him by grabbing onto his wrist, making me see his face. I didn't only see a black eye and shining tear stains, but I also noticed his eyes.

Jisung's eyes, crimson red with a pupil similar to a cat's slit pupil. I stopped and stared, making Jisung look visibly uncomfortable. How beautiful. "Wow", was all I could breathe out.

"See? Everyone runs away from me when they see me. Aren't you thinking I'm going to kill you?", Jisung sounded so broken. I slowly shook my head and smiled, the warmest smile I could give.

"Jisung, I'm like you.", Jisung had to take a double take. "Are those fangs?", Jisung thought and felt like crying again, but now it would be happy and relieved tears.

  "You won't need to feel scared anymore, I'm right here. You're different, but I am too. There are plenty more people here hiding who they are, you're so brave for showing it.", I assured Jisung, who was still staring at me with a face of surprise."And I'll give a lesson to whoever hurt you."

  With a bit of hesitation, Jisung slammed his face into my chest with arms grasping around me. I didn't care that he sobbed all over my favorite sweatshirt. When he calmed down, I lightly grasped his hand ,"Now tell me who hurt you, and come watch me beat their asses."

  Jisung smiled and nodded and I just wanted to hold that precious kid in my arms. He didn't deserve that all for not being totally human.

  "Uhm, thank you.. Minho right?", I nodded and Jisung looked proud of himself. "No problem."

I've never been so happy to meet someone like me.

Well that was better in my head :') sorry I'm so inactive with this book.. I'm working on to others lol

Hope you enjoyed~ (*''*)

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