𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳 𝘣𝘰𝘺

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  Thank you for 231 reads! I love you bubs so much! Enjoyyy
  Yang Jeongin was a precious child. But, precious and fragile things break easily, and so that is what happened to the young boy.

Laying on his bed, Jeongin counted the glow-up stars he had plastered on his ceiling for probably the 20th time. He always had a fascination in stars, he wanted to shine like one and join a pretty constellation. He wanted outer space to be his home, not in the miserable world.

Jeongin was in middle school at the time, and had to suffer through constant bullying for no good reason at all. People took advantage of his sweet and unaggressive personality, that they felt the need to ruin him.

  When Jeongin was done with counting the stars, he had trouble finding other things to distract him from hearing his parents argue from outside of his bedroom door. As he hugged his pillow, whispering "Why can't this be over..", he heard a knock on his window.

  Startled out of his mind, the boy nearly leaped off his bed in fright. "What the..", Jeongin mumbled as he approached his window with shaky legs. On the small balcony perched a person dressed in all white with clothes that seemed to have more worth then the house he was visiting.

  "Who are you?", Jeongin asked curiously after he stopped being so shook up. He should have been much more scared than he was because a random man was sitting on his balcony, but for some reason he felt strangely calm.

  "I go by Bang Chan, or you can call me whatever you like", this mysterious man smiled. "Okay Bang Chan.. why are you at my house."

  "When I tell you this, believe me, promise?", I nodded,"I come from the stars." I looked at him with pure confusion, but I didn't doubt him, as crazy as it sounded.

  "You're Yang Jeongin, and you're deeply fascinated with stars. I also know that you're going through tough times, and I want to let to know that I'm here for you.", Chan said in a sweet tone. Jeongin was slightly creeped out that he knew who he was, but he still felt like he could trust him.

  "When you need me, use this special paper, fold it into a star like this and throw it off your balcony", Chan showed Jeongin a star origami, and he was quite glad that teaching himself how to make that came in handy.

  "I'll have to be leaving, Jeongin", Chan waved and bid goodbye. "Bye-bye, Mister Star Man!"

  Too soon, Chan disappeared to join the stars again. Jeongin didn't know what to think, but he went to sleep without nightmares for the first night in years.


  Throughout middle school, Jeongin would wish for Chan to visit at least 5 times a week. For the few minutes Chan was there, the boy felt like he escaped reality, having his focus on talking to Chan and Chan only.

  More often than it should have been, Chan would see Jeongin with new bruises and cuts along his face. Jeongin would always say he was fine, he was truly a strong boy.

  In his last year of middle school, Jeongin's parents passed in a car accident, because they drove while they weren't sober, which was a common occurrence. It wasn't all surprising to him, but it didn't make the whole situation hurt less.

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