𝘚𝘶𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯

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Seo Changbin and Lee Felix were quite similar to the Sun and the Moon.

The Sun and the Moon are quite different from each other, yet they both possess a certain type of special, enchanting beauty.

The Sun is a vital object, the burning star that keeps the Earth alive. This beautiful key of the solar system is one of the reasons why we are living, and without it everything would eventually fall to pieces. It is the symbol of a warm summer day, or the symbol of happiness when the grey clouds dissipate leaving us with a bright, clear sky. You think of children playing under the shining sunlight, or the image of a cozy home with the sun's rays leaking through dusty windows. The Sun wraps us in warmth, and shields us from the cold. Everyone loves the Sun.

The Moon is the more alluring and mysterious spectacle out of the two, which remains as something that is much darker than the Sun. The Moon is what appears in the sky when the Sun says its goodbyes for the day to welcome its partner in crime. It is what provides us with light when all we see is a shade of dark navy above us, and what illuminates the large expanse of the sky with its soothing and comforting luster. Some people like the Moon, as it can be the cool relief on a particularly warm day or comforting company when you are alone, but there are just some people that may not like it. They'd rather see the Sun, as it makes them happier. They'd rather see the Sun, as it makes their days brighter.

Lee Felix was quite like the Sun, except this sun had a face dusted with freckles, with plump yet defined lips and pretty pink hair. His skin possessed a perfect tan, like a special sun ray was made just to shine on him. His contagious smile and laugh rivaled that of the actual sun, spreading joy to everyone around him. No one ever saw him frown and no one ever saw him feel down. Felix had no problem being friendly with everyone, and had countless friends. Everyone loved Felix, but he failed to realize that someone had their eyes on him.

Seo Changbin was more like the moon; maintaining the facade of being mysterious and stand-offish when he was really no less softer than Felix. Some people were fond of him, while others were made uncomfortable by his gloomy appearance. No one realized it, but Changbin had so many interesting secrets to him that he would only allow a certain person to discover. His favorite time of day was actually the night, when the gorgeous Moon shone down on the Earth, radiating the beauty of it. The raven-haired boy enjoyed talking to the moon, finding strange comfort in the way it didn't answer back, but instead stayed and listened to him pour his heart out. Changbin felt like he was very similar to the moon, and felt a special connection to it. He only felt such a connection to one other thing.

  Seo Changbin and Lee Felix were quite similar to the Sun and the Moon. In this circumstance, the Moon was in love with the Sun.

  This moon watches the Sun from afar, feeling desire for him yet he knows they can't be together. They can only cross paths, like when the real Sun goes down for the day and the Moon rises up.

  Seeing Felix every day made Changbin fall in love ever more. The ethereal boy would almost prance into class, immediately brightening the faces of the rest of the students. Changbin sat in the back, admiring the way Felix smiled, dressed, and acted with other people. He never knew a boy so pure and precious could exist.

  Changbin wanted Felix, yet he knew the sunshine boy was too good for him. Changbin was not content from merely admiring Felix, yet he knew he never felt the same. It was confusing to the boy as to why Felix never approached him, as he was sure he was able to make friends in as little as 5 minutes. Changbin became insecure, wondering if the person he wished for was nothing but scared of him.

  Changbin wanted to hold Felix, and feel the warmth of the boy's small hands. He wanted to admire his face up close- close enough to trace every one of his freckles with his eyes. The Moon boy wanted to hear Felix speak to him with his enchanting voice to tell him things that are only reserved for him. Changbin could only imagine the image of the younger in his arm's, asleep and safe from harm. He felt wrong for wanting to feel the sun-like boy's lips on his, imagining that it would taste like peaches or vanilla.

  He felt wrong for simply wanting Felix's love.

  He felt wrong for getting jealous while watching Felix laugh and joke with other people. Why was he feeling this way, when the boy was never his?

  Why couldn't Changbin take time to think about what goes on in Felix's mind? Why did Felix hesitate to approach him? Why did he feel intimidated by Changbin?

  Has Changbin never realized the moments that he stares at Felix and finally looks away, then Felix does the same? He's never heard the conversations that the younger boy has with his friends about how much he wants to befriend him? Why can't Felix finally tell Changbin that he wants him just as equally, and desires to be his and only his?

  If only the older boy could go inside Felix's mind, and realize that the only reason why he's been avoided is because the one he wishes for is just like him. He's not the only one fighting the mental battle of whether the other loves him, because both boys are simply unaware that they are in love with each other.

Seo Changbin and Lee Felix were quite similar to the Sun and the Moon, and maybe one day the Moon will realize that the Sun loves him too.

I'm sorry that this one is so lacking, I've had horrible writer's block for the past like,, forever    :(   ily all for still sticking with me💕💘💓💖 i guarantee next one will be better!

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