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Lee Felix just got out of his part-time job at the cafe and was looking forward to going home, eating some food, and crashing. He had a shared apartment with his boyfriend, Seo Changbin, because it was both convenient for their jobs and education, and sharing a house gave them the opportunity of being together more. They've been living together for 2 years now, and they seem very happy with each other.

Changbin has been acting kind of weird as of lately though, but maybe it's just Felix and his false suspicions.

Felix got out of work earlier because someone took his shift, but he didn't want to tell Changbin because he wanted it to be a surprise. He half-skipped up to the comfy apartment's doorstep slowly peeking through the door looking if he can find his boyfriend.

The boy kicked off his shoes and softly uttered a ''Binnie~'', and made his way out of the entrance room to their bedroom. Before Felix even made it to his destination, he saw something that made him stop in his tracks and made his heart drop to the floor.

On the large living room couch where Felix expected to see Changbin, and just Changbin, laid not only his love but another man.

Felix stood there, like a deer in headlights, mind racing at a thousand miles per hour. The two other boys seemed too distracted to even notice the presence of the broken hearted boy. Changbin is on top of another person and, is that Hyunjin?, Felix questioned in his mind.

Ah, Hwang Hyunjin, one of Felix's best friends since the first year of high school. How pleasant is it to see him doing this with his beloved boyfriend.

Felix was still unable to utter words, but everything hit when Changbin locked eyes with his own. It seemed like Changbin had to process what was happening too, until he saw Felix dash back out of the apartment. With a mumbled ''Shit'', he ran out ditching Hyunjin to chase the boy he just betrayed.

Hyunjin sat on the couch in shock, knowing a great friendship he had was going to come to an end, because of himself.

Felix didn't care where he ran to, he just wanted to run... Until he only reached the parking lot and felt a hand grab his wrist. ''Let go.'', the boy coldly said, facing a desperate-looking Changbin.

''Lix, please-'', Changbin was cut off by a deep voice that somehow got deeper,''Let. Go. And don't call me that anymore.'' Felix yanked his arm away and stormed to his car. He didn't hesitate to call his most precious friend, Chan, to tell him everything that he witnessed.

Felix finally broke down as he described all of the events while sitting in his car. With every word he became more panicked and less understandable and Chan knew he had to get there immediately. ''I'm coming right now. Stay in your car, okay? I'll pick you up because I don't want you driving right now.'' All Felix responded back with was a humming sound of approval between sobs.

Felix felt tortured nearly having a panic attack while Changbin was just standing at the curb near his car. Just pacing back and forth, contemplating, ignoring the boy that loved him.

Chan arrived at the apartment complex at around 10 minutes after the call, to see Changbin sitting on the curb near Felix's car, and Felix inside his car with his head down. He lightly knocked on the window, signaling that it was him before carefully walking Felix to his own car, guiding him by holding his shoulders like he was fragile porcelain.

Felix was visibly shaking, slowly walking past Changbin to make him see how he made the boy feel. Chan didn't forget to give the cruel man a death glare but turned soft when telling Felix,''Come on, let's go baby.'' Chan knew Felix loved being called cute things even if it wasn't meant romantically.

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