𝘊𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘥

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  A dark grey covered the midnight sky without stars in sight, as city buildings blocked the opportunity for them to show. Lingering in the air was the sound of heavy breathing and hiccuped sobs. Sitting in almost fetal position was a boy that had no idea what he has just done.

  In front of this confused boy laid a dead man, blood from everywhere and anywhere spilling out on the concrete pavement. The boy didn't even know who the man was, but he did know that he did not deserve a brutal death.

  "I didn't mean it.. I didn't mean it..", the young boy mumbled to no one but himself. It was his fault.. but it wasn't.

He didn't know what happened. He was going to the convenience store, went into an alley for a shortcut, and then lashed out on a man; killing him.

But then, the boy's sobs became more violent as he remembered his vision blurring, mind filling with thoughts of nothing but blood. Jumping on the poor man, biting right at his heart, clawing at his skin.

He had no other choice but to call the person he trusted the most. Felix took deep breaths between sobs and started,"Binnie.. I did something really, really bad.."

"Felix? What did you do, where are you?", Changbin said in a tone of complete concern.

"I... I killed a man."

Changbin froze at those words. He finally spoke,"I'm coming right now". He tried not to panic, because that's the last thing Felix needed. As quick as he could, Changbin threw on a jacket, grabbed his keys, and headed out.

Changbin had a feeling of where Felix was, and he also had a feeling why Felix did what he did. He would never hurt someone, never mind a fly. So Changbin jumped to a possible conclusion:

Is Felix a vampire?

  Felix couldn't take the silence, it was suffocating him. All he was hearing was his sniffles and loud thoughts, until he heard sirens.

  He knew what was coming, but he couldn't move. Fear completely took over Felix's body, so he was left to watch multiple police cars surround both sides of the alley. Someone witnessed the murder.

  "Put your hands up where I can see them!", one of the cops demanded. No, not cops- slayers. Felix stared at him like a deer in headlights, until he was screamed at again. Then, Felix flinched and slowly raised his arms.

  The eyes of the men were so cold, so dark. They didn't seem to care that Felix was a mere teenager, because of who he was they wouldn't hold back.

  "Felix!" He heard from one end of the alley. All of the officers looked his way, and Felix was never more ashamed to see the person he loved the most.

  "Oh my God, Felix..", Changbin ran to Felix and engulfed him in a hug. Felix held on to him like his life depended on it, to the point where his nails dug into Changbin's skin.

  Changbin never expected to see his Felix sobbing to the point where he couldn't breathe, covered in blood with police surrounding him.

  "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry Binnie I didn't mean it, it wasn't my fault..", Felix sobbed to Changbin loud enough for everyone else to hear. They didn't bat an eye though, not caring about how guilty Felix was feeling for what he has done.

  Maybe because they weren't regular policemen.

Felix was harshly tugged from Changbin's protective embrace, and was nearly slammed against the police car.

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