𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴

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  The sounds of the waves crashing, seagulls crying, and distant people chatting are Jisung's favorite things about the local beach. He likes to go on days that are slightly chilly, so there aren't so many people to crowd up the sand. He also likes to plant a towel on the sand and sit there for hours on end relaxing and forgetting all of his stress. A boy named Minho likes to do that too, and that's how they met.


Minho arrived at the beach shortly after school, and decided he would sit a little bit farther from the shore and read a book. It was cloudy and the sky looked like it was going to cry any minute now, but that didn't stop the boy from enjoying his time. He was there for an hour so far and ever since he arrived he saw a boy sitting on a towel not moving but just looking at the sea in front of him. Later on he realized the other boy was dozing off, so he decided to get up and check on him.

"Excuse me..?", Minho softly said, tapping the sleepy boy on his shoulder. He flinched rather harshly and quickly said ''who's that?'' in which Minho responded ''sorry, sorry.. I just saw you drifting off and wanted to make sure you didn't fall asleep in the middle of the beach.'' The boy chuckled a little bit with a small ''that's okay~'' which led to Minho chuckling in relief as well. I like this smile, Minho thought as he saw the boy next to him laugh. He had orange-ish brown hair, chubby cheeks, a gummy smile, and he kind of resembled a squirrel. He was really cute.

He was starting to walk away until he heard,''Hey sorry to bother you but what time is it? I don't have any way to tell''. Minho stopped and responded by saying ''oh it's 5:30'', and wondered why the boy didn't realize the time because the sun was starting to set. He walked even further until he was asked again,''Do you see anyone looking for me?'' when Minho responded,''sorry I don't'', the boy looked slightly disappointed at the words. Thinking that he might get asked more questions, Minho sat down on the sand next to the towel.

  ''What's your name?'', this squirrel-like boy asked Minho with a smile. ''It's Lee Minho..'', he paused,''..and you?''.

''My name is Han Jisung!'', he got excited to introduce himself, knowing that he might be making a new friend. ''Hello Jisung, nice to meet you.''

''Pleasure to meet you, Minho'', Jisung flashes one of his precious smiles. There was a comfortable silence between the two until Jisung decided to speak up. ''If you're not busy, do you think you can help me home?'', he said in a tone that you can't really say 'no' to. Minho put on a confused expression, uhh why?, he thought. ''If you don't mind me asking, why?'', he politely asked instead of sounding confused.

"Oh, right..'', Jisung giggled,''..funny story but I'm blind.''

"Oh.. I'm sorry!'', Minho covered his mouth with a worried expression.''Oh no no it's no problem!'', Jisung tried to relieve Minho. Minho laughed a nervous laugh and Jisung tried to make sure he didn't feel bad.

"So uhh..'' Minho started,''do you know your address?'' Jisung responded with a nod and a ''Mhmm!'' and got up from the towel with a hop.

"Uhm, Minho? If you're alright with it.. can you hold my hand?", Jisung asked with a small voice as he suddenly got shy. "Of course!", Minho agreed without hesitation, which was of relief to Jisung. He felt his face getting warm, either from embarrassment that he had to rely on someone for help, or other reasons.

The two boys left the beach and were now walking towards Jisung's house, with Minho using the directions the other boy remembered by heart. They striked up some small talk, and Minho realized how funny and personable Jisung was. With Minho being very calm and collected, it was kind of nice to be talking to someone that was so enthusiastic. Someone with Jisung's personality could be slightly annoying, yet Minho found it to be very charming.

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