𝘖𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶

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  Seungmin sat on his desk with eyes, but not mind, focusing on whatever the teacher rambled on about. It was something like proving quadrilaterals as parallelograms. The brunette boy really didn't know, but he was copying the notes on the board none the less. Screw geometry.

  The classroom was hot, Seungmin wanted to either sleep or ditch class, and he especially wanted to eat. His lunch period came right after math, which was agonizingly close. The boy counted down each second that the next five minutes held, leg bouncing anxiously and teeth biting his pencil. He could make it, there was such little time left until he could finally relax and talk to his friends. Also, screw geometry.

  Seungmin looked over to his boyfriend, watching him become more distracted by the second. Hyunjin was looking everywhere but the board, surprisingly not turning around to stare at Seungmin. Maybe it would be too noticeable- Hyunjin didn't exactly want to be reprimanded by the teacher any time soon. Seungmin chuckled at how the other boy wasn't paying any attention, but did become worried at how he didn't really look like himself. He looked more tired and paler than usual. All of that was explained when a note was passed from Jisung to Seungmin. Hyunjin must have handed it to Jisung, since he sat right behind the raven-haired boy.

  Seungmin held in a chuckle as he read the small note that was written on a wrinkled post-it.

  Minnieeeee.. I'm hungry :(

  The younger glanced at Hyunjin to see him faking a pout and sporting puppy dog eyes. He rolled his eyes but didn't fail to smile. "Can't we wait?" Seungmin mouthed to his boyfriend, and felt proud when he understood. The other only showed a stronger pout, which resulted in yet another eye roll.

  "Fine", Seungmin mouthed again, earning a satisfied grin from Hyunjin. "Excuse me, may I use the bathroom?", the younger raised his hand and asked. He got a pass from the teacher, and headed there with a playful huff towards his boyfriend. Two minutes later, Hyunjin would ask the same question because he didn't want to seem suspicious and ask to leave at the same time. The two boys' teacher warned that the period would end soon and that he should wait until next period, but Hyunjin didn't quite care very much.

  Seungmin waited by the entrance of the bathroom, until he noticed Hyunjin speed-walking to him. He watched the boy's eyes brightening when he saw Seungmin, and a smile creeping on his face. Hyunjin really was happy to see the puppy-like boy even though they've been away from each other for two minutes. "Come on, I'm hungry!" Hyunjin lightly grasped Seungmin's wrist, leading him into one of the stalls.

  "I'm sorry I have to do this, Minnie.. you know I really don't like to.." Hyunjin sighed with eyes casted down onto the floor. He didn't like that Seungmin needed to be his source of energy, but that's what had to happen. Only Seungmin's blood would satisfy him.

  "It's okay, Jinnie, I swear. I got used to it. You know I would tell you if I had a problem, right?" Seungmin smiled to his boyfriend, hopefully reassuring Hyunjin that everything was alright. "Can I do it now?" Hyunjin softly asked, waiting for an answer. With a nod, Seungmin allowed the other boy to continue.

  Seungmin unbuttoned the first two buttons of his white blouse, allowing easier access to his neck. He let the fabric fall down from his shoulders, showcasing the skin that Hyunjin loves dearly. Hyunjin smiled excitedly, awaiting for the special taste of Seungmin; it never got old.

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