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The sun was shining, the light of it illuminating through the dusty windows of the small shack Felix works in. He was busy gardening outside, tending to the baskets of flowers sitting by the door, letting a pleasant smell linger around.

Felix loved his workplace and job; the apothecary of the village. It was a mini place with overgrown vines, made out of wood and brick, and a sign with carved out letters. He lived for helping people's illnesses and problems by making potions.

Felix is a fairy, living in a small village in the forest. He would accept any type of customer that came his way, no matter what creature they were- he was just that type of sweet boy.

"Felix!", a loud voice boomed through the hut and startled Felix as he was mixing a concoction. "Jisung!", Felix cheered and went to hug his best friend. He also went to pet Jisung's squirrel that was perched on Jisung's shoulder, since he could talk to animals.

"What's my favorite friend working on?", Jisung asked with curiosity. Felix said excitedly,"A love potion!" Said potion was pink with white sparkles and filled with secret ingredients, and it smelt strongly like strawberries.

"So Sungie, why'd you come by?" Jisung looked like he was in contemplation from that question. "Oh I almost forgot! Changbin has a bit of a cold, so I wanted to see if you could fix something up."

"Oh no, I hope it's not to bad! But of course I have something for him, I would never want my Binnie to be sick", Felix frowned as he started to find something for Changbin. Felix would never admit, but he had a bit of a crush on his elf friend.

Jisung started,"Speaking of, he should be here any min-", he was interrupted by a groggy-looking Changbin walking in.

"Binnie! Oh my you look horrible", Felix ran up to Changbin immediately checking his symptoms. "Hi Lix..", is all Changbin could say before a sneezed stopped him.

"Don't worry, I have something perfect for you.", Felix handed Changbin a glass bottle filled with a pink potion. This was his so-called "Fix-your-cold-in-a-jiffy" drink.

"Thanks a lot Lix, I'm gonna drink it right now", Changbin forced out in a stuffy tone before picking a flower from a pot and placing it in Felix's hair. Felix's heart felt like bursting at the cute action.

Soon enough, Changbin chugged down the fancy drink he received from Felix, it tasted like strawberries. Felix went back to work, but was interrupted once again when he felt arms around his waist and a face resting in between the crook of his neck.

"You know, you look really cute today, Lix,", Changbin muttered in a flirtatious way. "Uhm, thank you..?", Felix was quite confused. Jisung chuckled at the sight, but then realized what was happening.

"Hey, Felix? I think you messed up a bit..", Jisung said slowly. Felix tried loosening Changbin's grip on him,"What do you mean?"

Jisung picked up the bottle of cold medicine,"I think you might have given Changbin a bit of the love potion.."

Felix's eyes widened and face dusted pink.


Mayhaps I thought this was cute but it really lacked detail.. i didn't know how detailed I could make it in a one-shot though :/

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