𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨

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  Happy (late) Thanksgiving to anyone that celebrated! Please enjoy this one-shot, I will use this to show my appreciation for you all lol❤️

It was the dead of night, the moon's shine pierced through the large windows of the grand mansion Changbin resided in. As a prince, the boy was born into the life of riches and luxuries. He could admit though, that he felt utterly lonesome more often than not, and needed someone.. anyone.

The young prince slowly walked through the dreadfully long hallway to his bedroom, gazing at the portraits and statues that don't seem as beautiful as they used to. He began to dislike this way of living, in fact he was sick of it.

There was one thing that constantly irked Changbin about the hallway, it was something that he's been curious about since childhood. It was a door, a door that he's been told he should never open. His father, his mother, and even the maid forbid the prince from entering the room, especially since a staff at the house disappeared without a trace one night.

For eighteen years of his life, the raven-haired boy was never permitted to open the large, wooden door. Of course, curiosity got the best of him. After all, curiosity killed the cat.

The door wasn't too hard to open and in fact, it seemed too easy. The wood creaked loudly and Changbin tried his hardest to make sure nobody heard it. If he was caught, he couldn't imagine what would happen.

As the interior of the room was slowly revealed, Changbin's eyes widened. The only things that could be seen were the spots illuminated by moonlight, but that didn't make the room any less beautiful. The boy hesitantly walked in, feeling that the air was cooler than the hallway.

With a slight shiver, Changbin began to look around. The walls were purple with an ornate wallpaper design, with the floor being wood holding a large carpet matching the wall. The large and slightly opened windows were covered in thin white curtains, which were swaying lightly in the wind.

There were many details in the room, including the golden candle holders, marble vanity, and a large glass chandelier placed directly in the middle of the ceiling. The bed was queen-sized, with a gold and purple bed spread and a canopy.

These things didn't quite catch the prince's eye as he was used to seeing these decorations, but one certain thing did get his attention. Hanging above the fireplace on the wall across from the bed hung an enormous painting. The frame must have been one of the most extra ones Changbin had ever seen. It was shining with gold, but seemed old enough to have a rusted look. The design was quite unique, but still beautiful.

The painting itself was of a boy, seemingly around the young prince's age. His hair was blonde with brown roots growing in, and his bangs were swept to the side in a side part. Since the painting showed only the waist up, Changbin wasn't fully able to see what the boy was wearing. What he could see was a dark blue, velvet suit with some buttons left open. He wore a white undershirt underneath, with a frilly collar that covered half of his neck.

The boy was ordained in jewelry, with a silver necklace holding a sapphire jewel, and earrings resembling the necklace. This boy's face was something that the raven-haired boy had never seen before, and he's never seen anything like it. His skin was nothing like the prince's fair skin, instead it was tinted with honey. His lips were plump and colored a rosy pink and his cheeks were dotted in freckles. The freckles were like a painter carefully flicked a brush onto a canvas, perfectly hitting his face to sprinkle dots along his pretty features.

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