𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘰𝘺

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This one-shot is based on the the anime "Hell Girl", Aka "Jigoku Shoujo"! Hyunjin will take the place of Enma Ai, who is the main character of the show~

Dark mode might be better fitting, This is kinda sad btw (and long lol) :( i'm sorry in advance

  "How are you feeling, Lix?", Changbin asked his friend as he entered the room with a smile. He sat next to Felix, taking a few seconds to gaze at the sight in front of him, he could never get used to it.

  Felix, Changbin's best friend, is now lying unconscious on a hospital bed, as he has been for two weeks now. It was a coma apparently. Severe trauma has been done to the Australian boy's head, as well as multiple broken bones and fractures. Changbin was told he had brain damage, yet he knew so little because the doctors have barely told him anything about Felix's condition.

"I'll be there in a second, you start walking there, okay?" Changbin shouted to Felix as they began walking to their favorite ice cream shop. Changbin had to retrieve his wallet that he somehow forgot in his house, and told his friend to start heading there. As expected, both boys had no idea that their lives would drastically change in mere minutes.

"Felix, I got it!", Changbin jogged to where he thought Felix would be, but he must have walked further. Walking another block, Changbin found it strange that the other boy hasn't responded to him, or tried to run back to him. "Felix..?"

Changbin turned a corner to cross the street, but stopped in his tracks once he saw what was in front of him. It took a while to register in Changbin's mind of what has just happened, but eventually came to realize that Felix has gotten hit by a car. It wasn't only just a car, but an eight-wheeler truck. The driver of this truck didn't hesitate to start driving off as he realized he had just hit someone.

  Changbin ran to Felix, not caring that he was running into a busy road. In front of him laid a bloodied boy, with limbs twisted in ways that he didn't ever want to imagine. His face was almost unidentifiable, with one half of his it covered in a burn mark from scraping it on the road.

With violently shaking hands, Changbin attempted to snap a picture of the truck's license plate, and luckily took one that was clear enough. "You fucking bastard!", Changbin screamed to the driver hoping he would be heard, and attempted to run after him but he didn't want to leave Felix.

"Is this 911? I need you here as quick as possible my f-friend got hit by a truck.. ple-ease come", Changbin hurriedly spoke to the dispatcher and told him where they were. He wasn't even sure if he dialed the correct number because he was too panicky and his eyes were too blurry from tears. At this point Changbin was on the ground, cradling Felix in his arms. He didn't care that the weight of the boy was making his body ache.

Changbin released a breathe he didn't know he was holding as he realized Felix had a pulse. "You'll be okay, Hm? The ambulance is coming, we'll be okay", Changbin choked out as he tried wiping some blood off of the other boy's face. The black-haired boy tried convincing himself that Felix will be alright.

Changbin sobbed into Felix's neck crook, holding him in an uncomfortable position. After a while, he was helped by good Samaritans to bring the injured boy to the curb to continue the flow of traffic.

Eventually, both ambulances and police cars arrived. Changbin couldn't let Felix go, literally and figuratively. It felt like a stab in the heart when he saw Felix get lifted from the ground like a lifeless doll, and brought into the ambulance on a stretcher. Cops tried talking to Changbin about the accident, but he was unable to properly speak and resorted to showing them the picture of the license plate.

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