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My mother asked me to clean the storage room in my basement, and knowing me I didn't start working until I was yelled at. So, I trudged downstairs and started by clearing out the closet.

To make this even better, my friend Chan asked to hang out, but I said I couldn't due to chores. With Chan being the great friend he is, no sarcasm, he asked to help. He began removing all the boxes while I began taking out the sentimental things that this dusty closet held.

There were many things, from baby pictures and vcr tapes to some random books and pointless things. I didn't even know have of these things existed, to be honest.

One thing that caught my eye was a medium-sized box that looked rather plain, with contrast to the other bright colored things. On the top was tape with letters on it, but I couldn't quite make out what it said. With caution, I opened the box, forgetting about the chore at hand.

Inside the box held some pictures, a camera and a diary. I felt like I was going to invade someone's privacy, but my curiosity took over me.

I felt a weird feeling as I opened the diary, like a feeling of uneasiness. I pushed that aside and started reading.

This belongs to Han Jisung. If you read this you're invading my privacy and that's kinda rude.

I chuckled at what was written on the inside of the cover, although I've never heard of a Han Jisung before. "Hey Chan, you heard of a Han Jisung?" I heard a mumbled,"Nope I don't think so", Chan sounded unsure. There goes the unsettling feeling.

I kept on reading, the diary entries were quite interesting. They were short, but interesting. This Jisung kid was a rapper and I peeked at some of his lyrics. He seemed to be really good at both writing and rapping.

I noticed how he kept mentioning a boy, a boy that he fell in love with. The entries he wrote about his crush were very sweet, I found myself gushing at the way he expressed his love for the boy he grew to like. But he never mentioned the boy's name.

Suddenly, I started getting a headache. It was a pounding, sharp headache that was hard to ignore. I tried to ignore it though, as I kept reading. I should have stopped though, because it got worse and worse.

  Memories started flooding into my mind like a tsunami wave. Memories of a certain smile, a certain voice, a certain boy. The entries I read became pictures in my head. They were always with me, and another boy.

Day 5.) Today he held my hand on the way to class. My heart sped up a lot.

Day 12.)Today we went to the arcade and he called it a 'date'.

Day 20.)He's been acting different lately, much more clingy. But I guess I'm like that too.

Day 25.)We watched the sunset together today, I really really wanted to confess.

Day 30.) After going to the cafe we went to his house to watch movies. I fell asleep on him.

Uhm I forgot what day but it was a while since day 30.) It was really cold today, but we still went around town. After getting home we immediately went to watch movies in warm blankets. Today is when he kissed me.

Was this Han Jisung?

I couldn't take the pain, I crouched on the floor holding my head like that would do anything. Chan noticed and took a soft hold of my shoulders. "Woah, what's the matter?" He asked with concern.

"Chan.. who is Han Jisung?", he didn't answer me immediately. "I said, who the fuck is Han Jisung?", I nearly yelled with gritted teeth with tears falling out of my eyes because the headache was too much to bare. Before Chan could speak, my mother walked into the room.

  "Minho? Oh my goodness, what's wrong!", she lightly pushed Chan aside. "Mom, I need to know who Jisung is. Why do we have this?", she looked at me with concern, then her expression softened into something like sadness.

I noticed how both my mother and Chan's facial expressions turned into worry and and eyes filled with sympathy. "Are you going to tell me or what?", I grew impatient. They both shared a look and nodded to each other then looked back at me.

"Minho..", My mother started,"The car accident from seven months ago.. you know how we've been trying to restore all of your memory, right? Well you've been doing very well and I'm proud of you, but there were things you haven't quite remembered yet." At this point she had tears in her eyes with a melancholic smile.

Chan continued,"I'll get to the point and tell you; you and Han Jisung were together. You guys were a great pair, you really treasured him and he treasured you. You were with each other more often then not, it was pretty funny. You really loved him, Minho." This felt strange.

"Uhm, why are you using past tense you're kind of worrying me" I was really confused about everything. Chan looked down and back at me and all he said was,"I'm sorry Minho.."

  I knew right from there and felt a pang in my heart. I didn't know how to feel. "Why did you hide this from me?", I asked as I got choked up. My mother told me it was because they didn't want me to feel hurt beyond repair, but how was I supposed to live without remembering Jisung?

  He felt like a distant memory, but I didn't want him to feel like that. Jisung seemed so special to me, yet I was having trouble wrapping my head around this. In a way I felt hurt, that my mother and Chan, and everyone around me acted like he never existed just for my sake.

  I hurriedly took out a few pictures, and I froze at the sight. Some of the pictures were with Jisung and his friends, or his family, but most of them were with me. My hands started shaking and my sobs became violent, so Chan tried his best to comfort me.

  "I'm so sorry for not telling you before, Minho..", my mother softly said with her hands in mine.

"I caused it, didn't I.. It was all my fucking fault." I started overthinking. I didn't even remember what happened in the car accident yet I was making myself convinced that I may have caused Jisung's death. How come I came out with some broken bones and memory loss I was able to restore yet Jisung had his life taken away?

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.." I sobbed to a picture of Jisung smiling a wide, blinding smile.

I remembered one of Jisung's diary entries was about one of his biggest wishes. "I dont want to be forgotten. I hope my life doesn't end when I'm gone. Does that even make sense?" It made me think of how one day, I woke up and forgot about him because of a cruel, tragic day.

I won't forget you ever again, Jisung.

Okay so I lowkey don't like this one,, and it was sad I'm sorry :/

  Also I don't know how memory loss works I based it on what I see in k-dramas tbh lmao

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