𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 23

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Going on a date with Kyosuke Higuchi was far from being on the list of (Y/n)'s favorite things to do, and being alone in a moving car with just him and a Shinigami she shouldn't have been able to see in the backseat was even further down that list

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Going on a date with Kyosuke Higuchi was far from being on the list of (Y/n)'s favorite things to do, and being alone in a moving car with just him and a Shinigami she shouldn't have been able to see in the backseat was even further down that list. And, yet, there she was, staring out the window and wondering if maybe hurling herself out of the vehicle would be worth it.

It was becoming more tempting every second that Higuchi's hand strayed closer to her thigh.

Clearing her throat, she crossed her legs, shuffling away from him as subtly as she could, shooting him a sickly sweet smile when the quickest frown flitted across his face.

No doubt he was hoping to get a little action for the night out of his dinner date with the woman he believed to be the second Kira. The thought almost made her shudder.

Sure, his body language had made it obvious enough, but even without the cues visible to a profiler, anyone remotely experienced in the dating field would've been able to tell from the expensive alcohol at the overpriced restaurant to the lingering cologne and excessive eye-contact.

"You said you lived in America, Asahi-san?" he began, attempting to dispel the tension settling between them thanks to her lack of will to make conversation. "Were you an active manager even then?"

She hummed, tossing her hair over her shoulder to expose a selective bit of skin, applying a psychological turn on and watching as it worked, wondering if she ought to feel satisfied with her work or disgusted at who she was having to apply it on.

"Oh, sure." She waved her hand. "Before Misa-Misa, I used to be in charge of an American teen pop sensation-- Hannah Montana. You might've heard of her?"

He furrowed his brows, nodding slowly. "The name does sound vaguely familiar," he admitted, and she held back a snort.

Frankly, (Y/n) thought she deserved an Oscar for convincing the man she used to manage a Disney channel character and actually confusing him because everyone had at some point or the other heard about her. Somehow. Someway.

"Well, what made you decide to leave?" Higuchi prompted. "You must've been doing well if your charge was popular."

(Y/n) tapped her fingers against her knee. "Well, yes, but Japan suddenly seemed to have more...interesting prospects."

Higuchi deadpanned. "Misa Amane?"

"Not exactly." Her mouth curved upwards. "Say, Higuchi-san, what are your thoughts about Kira? He became a pretty big deal back in America."

He shot her a quick sideways glance, catching the smirk and raised eyebrow, and frowning subsequently. "Why the sudden question?"

"You asked about the prospects available in Japan, didn't you?"

Chuckling, he flashed a grin-- predatory and anticipating. "And you believe Kira would require your services as a manager?"

She tilted her head, smiling in amusement. "I never said 'as a manager'?"

"And what else could you do for Kira, hmm?"

Leaning closer, she taunted, "Wouldn't you like to know, Higuchi-san?" Satisfied with his knee-jerk reaction, she leaned back again. "Unless you're Kira, I don't think it's any of your business."

He regarded her carefully. "And if I were?"

Waiting till the car pulled to a stop outside the hotel where she was supposed to rendezvous with someone from the Task Force to get back to HQ, (Y/n) tossed him a winning smile. "If you could prove it, I'd love to show you exactly what kind of services I have to offer."

With that as her final word, she exited the vehicle, suppressing all physical displays of disgust until she made it inside the building, well aware that Higuchi was currently staring at her like she was a meal to be devoured and he was a starving man. It was absolutely repulsive to be objectified and made a tool to get a good grip on who could possibly be Kira by 'seducing' them.

A little amusing to mess with them, yes, but still extremely unpleasant.

If they could come up with a more convenient plan, she would've been infinitely grateful, but unfortunately, this was the quickest thing they could manage to put together and she really needed to get the ball rolling before any possible plan of Light's could be out into action to reinstate his memories before she made her move.

Snapping her out of her musings was the sight of a familiar head of messy black hair, the figure standing out starkly among the sea of people with better kept appearances and sitting postures in general.

L waited until she had dropped into the space beside him on the plush sofa, regarding her with large eyes and his almost-smile. "Well done, (Y/n)." He offered her a stick of poki from his carton. "That was the most positive response out of the rest."

"He was the last one, right?" she asked even though she knew. She had been awaiting Higuchi's turn after all.

L nodded nonetheless. "None of the others responded with much interest in Kira aside from a shared defensive nature, and certainly not with an eagerness that posed a question like 'And what if I were?' which Higuchi did," he observed. "It's not definitive proof, but Higuchi seems to be the likeliest suspect."

"Now we just have to draw him out," she finished.

He nodded, smiling vaguely. "But do not worry. We will not force you to keep him further company. You've done your part. Thank you."

Blinking at the surprising politeness, she nodded belatedly. "Uh, sure. I'd say it was no problem, but truthfully, it sucked. Majorly."

"I can imagine it must've been unpleasant."

She scoffed. "Doesn't even cover it. I had to flirt with the creep and validate all the contact he was initiating."

"It was all part of the plan," L stated, prompting her to roll her eyes.

"I know that," (Y/n) muttered, tugging at the hem of her deep burgundy dress. "And what's the plan to draw him out?"

L watched her adjust her stockings, absently flicking a crumb off his shirt. "Do you have something in mind of your own?"

She paused, glancing at him. "Well," she began slowly, "the only thing I can imagine would prompt an instant reaction from our Unsub would be a direct threat to his identity." (Y/n) waited a beat before stating what she had in mind. "Matsuda."

This time, L smiled fully, evidently pleased with the conclusion she had arrived at. Presumably because he had done so himself as well. "We are in agreement then," he informed her, and she returned his smile, linking their arms and sinking into the seat while they waited for Watari to bring the car around.

"Yes, we are."


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