𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 28

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Six months later

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Six months later

Slowly, life began to take on a new form of normal. Half a year passed, and a new routine fell into place for (Y/n) as she returned to how life had been before the Kira case.

Well, not entirely, since she also had the added responsibility of Sayu, but the now fifteen-year-old had started at her new boarding school two months ago so things really weren't all that different aside from a few more knick knacks that came along with having another occupant in her modest, two-bedroom apartment.

They had spent four months working on Sayu's communication and language skills while the girl wrapped up junior high at an online school. Sayu still wasn't perfect, but she'd improved significantly and the youngest Yagami had always had a knack for communication anyways. She'd be fine.

In fact, Sayu was faring a lot better than (Y/n) had thought. The girl had started seeing a therapist as per (Y/n)'s suggestion and it had helped Sayu come to terms with what Light had done and what became of him and their family.

The profiler wished she could do the same, but unfortunately, criminals don't talk about their feelings and the truth of what they're trying to hide. (Y/n) supposed she deserved to suffer through this much at least for landing her nineteen-year-old brother in life imprisonment at the most heavily guarded prison available to the world.

To drown out the guilt, she simply threw herself into her work. Her team had been worried once the details of the Kira case came to light but eventually, they began to stop looking quite so worried about her all the time so she had to assume she was getting better little by little as well.

And she was. Not all days were so hard now. She didn't always feel like a traitor in her own skin. In fact, most days she could get through without too much setback. There were still hard days where she loathed herself, when telling herself there was no other way didn't work as well as it usually did. Those days passed and she had faith that eventually, they would never come by again.

And so, life began to settle.

Initially, there was trouble at work from prejudiced coworkers who loudly wondered if homicidal tendencies could be a contagious trait. Some members of her team had been ready to orchestrate a strategic office war that involved printers, confetti, toners and a lot of chaos in general, but before the FBI could be torn apart in a civil war, the issue had sorted itself out.

𝘼 𝘿𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 | 𝘭 𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘵Where stories live. Discover now