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Four years later

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Four years later

"Did you seriously break in again?" (Y/n) muttered, raising an eyebrow at the trio of boys sprawled out in her living room like they owned the place. She was sure Mello instigated the felony, but the other two were equally as responsible for probably not even bothering to fight his plan. 

Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time they'd done this, and she doubted it'd be the last. 

"We were bored," Matt supplied insincerely, drawling his words out as he shrugged, not bothering to look up from his game, the flashing graphics from the screen reflecting on his ever-present tinted goggles. 

It was too early for this. Eight in the morning was too early for her to deal with her charges. (Y/n) was only twenty-eight, she shouldn't be feeling this exhausted after just waking up. 

"Is breaking into my house the only pastime you hooligans have?" She scowled at them, breezing into the kitchen adjacent to the living room to get the glass of water she had come downstairs for in the first place. 

Near briefly paused his stacking of cards around Mello's torso, the blond snoring softly and therefore being unable tell the younger boy off for trying to incorporate him into a giant house of cards. 

Again, this was, unfortunately, not the first time this had happened, and was unlikely to be the last regardless of how much it pissed Mello off. 

"You said 'pastime' with an English accent just now," the white-haired seventeen-year-old informed blandly, returning to his mission of drowning Mello in playing cards.

She paused, thinking back to what she said and hummed, acknowledging his correct observation. "So I did," (Y/n) agreed, ruffling his hair as she passed him on her way to the couch, dropping onto it and switching the TV on for background noise. "I take it you finished your case then?" 

Matt took the time out of his cursing at his device to reply with a gracious, "Duh." 

Rolling her eyes, she opened her mouth to snark back at the nineteen-year-old gamer but stopped when heavy footfalls coming down the stairs caught all of their attentions. She turned just as L stumbled into the room, looking more disheveled than usual from being disoriented after actually getting a full night's sleep. 

𝘼 𝘿𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 | 𝘭 𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘵Where stories live. Discover now