feild trip

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It had now been days. Days since the Cullens had acknowledged her existence. And she was still pretty pissed about it.

She knew this would happen. People weren't reliable. She was the only person she should ever rely on. And she had knew that.

Stupid Stupid loneliness.

It was what got her in trouble.

She had forgotten her walls and instead began to care about others and what they thought about her. Her mistake.

Today was the field trip, she sat on the bus and worst of all she had got stuck on the one with the Cullens. It hardly matters, she only stared out the window, but she could still feel him. Starring at her from the back of the bus. He did that a lot.

Jasper Hale hadn't sat, talked, or joked with her for days yet she seemingly never felt his gaze wonder from the back of her head. It was infuriating. He looked at her as if he wanted to speak but the moment she had walked in his direction he had disappeared, and he continued to do that.

She wanted to throw acid in his eyes...

Okay maybe that was a little much

"Alright everyone off the bus!"


"Green is what?-" Violet rolled her eyes and didn't bother to listen in on the presentation the teachers were giving, instead she just walked around mindlessly, looking at all the plants.

"Hey" Violet turned her head and saw the head of blonde curls, she felt her heart automatically skip a beat. It was him.

After a moment however a frown took her face and she looked forward again

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After a moment however a frown took her face and she looked forward again. Continuing her walk.

"Why are you talking to me?" She said in a disinterested tone. Jasper walked along side her.

"What do y-"

"I got the message loud and clear" she said interrupting him, not wanting to hear his fake confusion. He knew exactly what she ment. "you guys don't want to associated with me, its fine. I don't care" lie. she shrugged as she walked, the frown deepening the longer he stood near. 

"Listen Violet that's not it"

"It's whatever, Jasper. its not like we were all friends. I was just Alice's partner. I need to talk to her about that, I finished the boo-"

"That do you mean you weren't friends? Alice and you were-" suddenly Violet turned taking a step in front of Jasper with a sharp look.

"Friends dont completely avoid each other for no real reason. Friends, stand by each other when one is in trouble and friends visit each other when one gets hit by a truck." She staired at him challenging he said nothing. "If that's not it then I'm happy I've never had one, guess I'm not missing anything right." She said raising a brow. Jasper starred at her, an unreadable look on his face. As always. Finally his eyes snapped past her over her sholder. She narrowed her eyes and looked behind her, then seeing a bunch of familiar golden eyes. Alice had a sad frown on her face, Violet just glared.  She turned back

"Listen, I never got the chance to thank your brother, seeing as he keeps avoiding me. Tell him will you. That I'm grateful. Bye Jasper" she said beginning to walk away. Done with this conversation. Suddenly a hand stopped her, she looked up into Jaspers eyes.

"Violet, I , just want you to know that I'm sorry." She could see it. The sincerity in his eyes.

But it didnt matter.

"For what exactly?" She asked annoyed

"Everything. Avoiding you, talking to you, telling the sheriff about your uncle, letting the truck touch you..."

"2/4 of those I accept, only because they weren't your fault. Now, once again Goodbye Jasper" and with that she pulled her self out of his hold and stomped down the greenhouse and feeling the almost normal stares of Cullens shed now gotten so use to.


Nobody had bothered her after that and she was glad, the group of teens in such a small area was causing the whispers in her ear louder than usual and she really just wanted to curl into a ball on the floor and sleep it off.

Luckily they were leaving, not that she was excited to get on the bus, a death trap on wheels she calls it.

Out of the greenhouse as she left she caught sight of Bella and began her way over, noticing to late that the girl was talking to Edward, Violet sighed, they were everywhere. She still walked towards them seeing as that was the bus she was on but froze when she heard a chirpy voice she hadn't heard in awhile

"Hi Bella! Are you gonna be riding with us?" Violet watches as Edward interrupted whatever Bella was going to say

"No, our bus is full." He said with a glare and quickly got into the bus, leaving Bella alone with Alice, Alices eyes flickered behind the brunette and landed on the blonde, and her peppy smile dropped. Violet drew in a deep breath. Walked to bella and smiled lightly at her brunette roommate

"Looks like it's full, you mind if I sit with you?" She asked, even though both knew the bus in fact wasn't full. Bella smiled back

"Yeah, totally cool"

"Great, lets go"

Your Pain Is My Misery ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now