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Violet paced infront of the Cullens house

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Violet paced infront of the Cullens house. Tears in her eyes as she panicked. Her mind was working to fast for even herself to keep track. She wasn't sure why she was crying until minutes later when she could catch up. She did that to often, thinking and thinking till she couldn't even hear her own thoughts. It was tiring.

They hadn't let her go home. Or to Charlie's she should say.

Jasper walked up to her.

"This is how it has to be" he said softly, she turned and gave him a look.

"But I can't even say goodbye?" She asked frustrated, taking her anger out on him.

"Edward says they didn't realize you were human. If he sees you there..." the girl just sighed upset.

"But Jasper, Charlie took me in. He has no obligations to me. He has given me every thing,  I can't just disappear...I can't abandon him. of the worse things a person can do" a pause drifted in.

"You can come back" he reasoned, she scoffed upset.

"And say what? He might not even take me back, ill be homeless again, or worse and endup in foster care" He looked at her sadly, upset with himself.

"I shouldn't have asked you to come" she shook her head, beginning to pace again.

"That doesn't matter, Bella would have went anyway. We'd be in the same position."

"You wouldn't have to leave" he said. But she waved it off

"No, but Bella would have, and I'd be clueless." Violet looked down at her phone, she sighed, pausing her pacing once again.  She typed into the keyboard.

Had to go vist a old friend. Sorry, just came up, be back soon.

She starred down at the clear lie. And debated on sending it. She frowned. Deleating it.

With Bella.

She hit send. Jasper frowned.

"That could lead to questions. She said she went home" Violet frowned

"I know, if he ask ill just say I'm trying to convince her to stay. Or at least vist a sunny state. Doesn't matter. I just, want to lie as little possible. Okay?" She asked, turning and giving him a pleading look.

"Okay.." she sighed and looked down at the phone

"Besides, he knows I never had friends before...or most excuses are off the table"

Violet and Jasped walked in to the house and Violets eyes widened when she saw a familiar unfriendly vampire in the room.

Edward and Bella entering at the same time. Edward about to attack.

Your Pain Is My Misery ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now