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"I'm here

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"I'm here." They share a long look, he's about to kiss her again... when suddenly, he stiffens, he abruptly pushes Bella behind him, taking a protective stance in front of her.

They face the dark that runs under the clock tower. Out of the alley's shadows emerge two figures. Both stunningly handsome males in their 20.

"I won't be needing your services after all, gentlemen."

"Aro wants to speak with you again." One said, a smirk on his face.

"No rules were broken." Demetri's smile suggests he doesn't agree. He's the more gracious of the two. But no less dangerous.

"We should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue." He said. Edward looks at the two calculatingly. Then nods, looking down at Bella.

"Fine. Bella, why don't you stay and enjoy the festival?" He said lightly.

"The girl comes with us."

"That's not going to happen." Edward said with a glare, a threat in his voice. Alice suddenly appears, lightly tripping through the alley toward them, pulling back the hood of her white swing coat. Violet also walking out, a bored look on her face as it seemed Edward was just fine.

"Come on, guys, it's a festival. She reaches Edward and Bella, positioning herself in a protective stance, as well."We wouldn't want to make a scene."

"There won't be any scene. And we'll still win." They said with confidence. Violets face now becoming worried.

"But not easily"

"Enough." A very tiny, young woman appears. She also wears a dark overcoat, her Botticelli angel-like face peering out from under the hood. Violet quickly sees her red eyes. Felix and Demetri are back off immediately. Edward and Alice step back, as well. Violet can see they're afraid of this small girl. So it was safe to say so was she.


"Who is she?" Bella whispered.

"Just do as she says."Jane tosses Edward an overcoat. He dons it.

"Follow me." Jane simply turns and heads up the alley, confident they'll follow. Felix, smirking, gestures for them to go ahead of him. Edward takes Bella's hand.

Violet stands a little longer, not following. That is till the small women turned and raised a brow.

"Oh me too?" The girl didn't answer but continued the look. Violet uncomfortable just nodded "okay, no problem" she muttered and joined the group.


Jane leads Edward, Bella, Violet and Alice through several narrow, dark alleys. Felix and Demetri bring up the rear. Edward never loosens his grip on Bella's hand.

Finally, they reach an elevator, Jane easily pulls it aside. They all enter. As the doors shut on them.

They all exit into an elegantly decorated space with old world charm. They're greeted politely by an attractive receptionist.

Your Pain Is My Misery ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now