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Violet was having a not so fun time at the Cullens residence, what was not so fun? Well for starters most of the other vampires didn't want her here, her declaration that she didn't care for the Cullens while also so recently coming from the Volto...

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Violet was having a not so fun time at the Cullens residence, what was not so fun? Well for starters most of the other vampires didn't want her here, her declaration that she didn't care for the Cullens while also so recently coming from the Voltori had them questing how loyal she would be. It was stupid, she ran away, there was no way she could just flash Aro a smile and ask for forgiveness. There was no going back, the truth was however she never left for Bella, or Rennesmee. She left because of what they did. It just so happened she heard about Bella.

The other guest didn't talk to her, just giving her looks of distrust. The Cullens were another story, looking at her like a ghost. Even Bella at certain times. Violet knew it was because she had just disappeared a year ago. She didn't remember how. Why. She only knew that she arrived to the Voltori a vampire, at least according to Aro, and who trusted him.

Now she stood in a black dress Alice had given her, she knew it wasn't her style, but compared to what she had to wear in Italy she wouldn't complain. In fact she never had the heart to, Alice seemed so happy whenever Violet said she could pick whatever she wanted for her. And even happier when she saw Violet in it later around the house. Alice seemed to want to have endless conversations, Violet didn't mind, as she was quite entertaining. But sometimes Alice would say things, call backs to memories Violet didn't remember, inside jokes she'd forgotten, it constantly felt as if the girl was constantly trying to jog her memory, and it made Violet uncomfortable, as she knew she could remember, but she also knew it wasn't pick and choose, if she wanted to remember anything, she'd remember everything.

And she didn't want that. She didn't want her pain back. So instead she began to avoid the pixie. And quite honestly everyone else. She walked the woods often, by herself with a comic book in her hands she held up as she walked.

It was nice, she didn't really worry about getting lost or tripping. The woods felt, homey, as if she spent a lot of time ther, and sometimes she'd even find that she'd end up walking the same direction and end up at a cliff. A pond that had cute little frogs bouncing around, and pink trees that let leaves fall gracefully. It was beautiful, and yet whenever she sat down to read she couldn't help but feel as though something was missing.


She walked into the doorway and leaned against it as she looked at Bella. The girl was sitting in a chair smiling softly at her daughter and husband play around outside with Emmett. Violet smiled at the sight.

"I like you like this, you look so...comfortable" Bella turned her head to look at the blonde, her smile widening.

"I am, I like to think I was meant to be a vampire" Violet sighed as she pushed off the door frame. She nodded her head and walked into the room.

"I can see that" she muttered as she took a seat next to the dark haired vampire.

"How about you, how are you adjusting?" Bella asked honestly. Violet shrugged and looked out the window.

"everyone's asking that lately, I'm fine" she said. And she was. She was fine. Bella raised a brow.

"Who asked?" She questioned.

"Jasper" Violet said uncaring. Her eyesight allowing her to see two butterflies dancing through the trees in a rather beautiful movement. Bellas eyes widened as well as her smile

"You've been talking to Jasper" she asked with suprise. Violet taking note of the look and tone.

"Why'd you say it like that?" She asked giving her a confused look. Bella suddenly looked away tucking hair behind her ear in a very human Bella manner.

"You know" she muttered under her breath. Violet just gave her a look.

"I don't" she deadpanned. Bella looked back at her

"You know... because your feelings for each other" Violet scoffed looking at the girl like she was crazy.

"My feelings? Bella what are you talking about" she asked with a confused look

"You two were in love with each other, you can't tell me he didn't mention it, that you don't feel it?" Violet eyes widened and suddenly her head was full of questions and words.

"We were together?" Was all she could say with shock. He acted so....well now that she thinks about it he didn't act that normally around her. He was stalking her from a tree. Bella suddenly looked incredibly awkward as she avoided eye contact.

"Well...you were" she muttered, this surprised her once again. Wait what?

"Were? Were as in then I disappeared or were as in then we broke up and then I disappeared" she asked for clarity, Bella looking more and more uncomfortable as the seconds went on. Silently trying to call to Edward through her mind to get her away from this nightmare but instead she sadly had the gift of blocking so it wasn't really helping.

"Well you were broken up, but it was complicated" Bella muttered. Violet narrowed her eyes, not letting the girl off so easily.

"Complicated?" she repeated

"Maybe you should ask him, he'd know better" Violet scoffed and was suddenly standing and pacing the room back and forth

"That would be ridiculously awkward, especially since he never mentioned we were even a thing, and then he was creeping on me from a tree" Bella smiled as she watched the girl pace, it reminding her of all the time they lived together.

"From a tree? God that reminds me of Edward back in high school" Bella said. Violet turned and gave the girl a look, her brows scrunched together.

"How the hell does that remind you of Edward" she asked ridiculously

"He use to sneak in my window and watch me sleep" Violets mouth fell open.

"I'm sorry WHAT. Did you hear what you just fucking said? That is fucking insane."

"You walked in on him once, dad came in with a gun, could have shot him." Bella said with an amusement of someone remembering an old memory.

"Good. He was WATCHING YOU SLEEP. Lord almighty your taste in men....what am I saying our taste in men apparently." Violet began to pace once again. Holding a finger up "I blame this on the romance genre, they constantly glorify men's creepy behavior in a way that we believe their possessive and toxic behavior is charming and romantic" Bella chuckled nodding her head. She had heard this rant before.

"Yeah you had a pretty similar reaction that night" Violet froze. Realizing this was yet another memory she had forgotten. She frowned and nodded

"Right, Sorry" she apologized

"It's fine, I get it, it's weird" Bella said with a shrug, turning her head to look back out the window smiling as she saw her family again. Violet smiled too. Turning and watching them aswell.

"Well, you were a human who grew a vampire hybrid in your stomach and died in childbirth before coming back to life. So weird should be normal at this point"

"You've been living with the ancient vampire mafia for a year so yeah, I agree"

Your Pain Is My Misery ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now