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Violet had played it cool.

When she learned Jasper was a vampire she hadn't been scared, that was true.

But now, as she sat in her room, allowing herself to truly except the fact, she was kinda freaking out. In the beginning she knew he wasn't lying, but a part of her wasn't realizing the reality of what was happening, instead she felt like she was in one of her comics.

She read them constantly because of her "ability"...She related to them, and fantasized about being able to actually help others.

And that could be one of the reasons she had so easily expected the fact the Cullens were blood sucking creatures. Because it just felt like another chapter of what she had always wished was real.

But the truth of the matter was messy. Origin storys never started out clean and nice, and with vampires she knew they couldn't be pretty. Innocent lives taken. And now, she had to actually decide if she was willing to look past that.

Now, she couldn't lie to her self and act like the fact they were vampires was a cool little quirk. It was messy, and messy was hard and complicated to navigate. And it felt like her life was already messy and complicated.

But, if Jasper told the truth about only feeding on animals...then perhaps she should look past it. They were trying there hardest to not hurt, and Violet knew she shouldn't hate them for a past she only belived they had to have. But if she knew it was real, and they did hurt people before...she needed now to decide if she could forgive them for it, even though she couldn't forgive them for something they hadn't even done to her.

Violet looked up and saw her self in her mirror and sighed.

Yes. That was the answer. Even though a part of her wished it wasn't. She didn't want to... she didn't want to so easily look past the suffering of the human innocents before her. She wished she was strong enough to hate them, because she felt weak at the fact she cared so little, that she was willing to forget it. But the truth was, that messy and complicated were apart of the whole earth thing. And the more complicated something is, like being a vampire. The more messy it was. And she now had to accept it, before she even heard it.


"I have a date with Edward Cullen." Violet heard as she walked down the steps, she turned the corner to see Bella standing behind Charlie...while he cleaned his gun.

Bella Swan everybody, know for her grace and perfect timing.

"He's a little old for you, isn't he?" Charlie asked and Violet quickly put her hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing at the truth behind that statement, he had no idea...

"No... He's a junior, I'm a junior...I thought you liked the Cullens." Violet took a breath, getting it together and leaned on the wall, watching the interaction silently.

Bella and Edward. To be honest Edward hadn't left much of an impression on Violet. He seemed..odd. Often giving her looks and such. Now of course she realized he was probably reading her thoughts, and knew that must have been real confusing and now that she thought about it highly suspicious....but what could she say, first impressions are everything and Violet still saw him as a wierdo.

Bella and Edward, the perfect match.

"I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town." Violet smiled at Charlie, not missing his slight hostility at the fact Bella had a date.

"Edward doesn't live in town...-Technically...." Violet smirked lightly at Bella's little loophole before seeing some movement at the front door. "He's right outside."

Your Pain Is My Misery ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now