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She sat in a seat, her long blonde locks in soft full curls

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She sat in a seat, her long blonde locks in soft full curls. Flawless soft skin. Plump full lips. A blush colored, low neck, silk shirt on her torso. He looked at her in awe. She was so beautiful, all her wanted to do was sweep her into his hold and kiss her for eternity. She was so close now. For too long she was a ocean away. Out of his reach, away from his gaze. All he had was memories of her and her imagined her here with him. And now here she was. Under the same roof. Feet away. And still she was to far.

"I thought we discussed the creepy staring" he heard her say from her seat as she read. He in the hallway when he froze.

"Sorry" he muttered, no longer frozen. He watched as she turned to look at him, giving him an amused smile before shaking her head and looking back down at her book.

He entered the room slowly, unsure if he was welcomed.

"Jasper" she spoke again.

"ma'am" he responded immediately. She sighed and looked up at him.

"Did I ever get you to stop calling me that?" She asked. A small smile came to him.

"I don't remember" he responded with and she gave him an unconvinced look.

"That's my line" she muttered. She then gave him a new look. "So, we dated?" She asked with curious eyes.

"Yes" he quickly responded with. Tho dated seemed like such a small word compared to the feelings he felt.

"Why'd we brake up?" She asked again. He now began to regret coming in. Uncomfortably he looked out the glass window that alighted the room

"I tried to attack Bella. After that I left without saying goodbye" he wasn't looking at her face, he couldn't, he didn't know how she'd take it.

"That seems kinda dickish" he heard from behind him making a slight chuckle escape from him in suprise. He turned and looked at her in disbelief. Still he nodded

"It was" he agreed. She had a small smile on her face. Rasing a brow

"And I didn't forgive you?" She asked. His smile fell a little, into a more somber look.

"It was too complicated" is all he said. She studied him for a moment, deciphering what he and Bella meant by that.

"I didn't want to be a vampire" she muttered in conclusion. It made the most sense, why she wouldn't have been able to forgive him. He had already told her she hadn't wanted to be a vampire like Bella had, and after he had to leave because of vampire reasons the first time it must have dawned on human Violet that they couldn't be together if she was a human.

"No. You didn't" he confirmed. She nodded, giving a sigh

" I am" he frowned deeply at her

"Im sorry for that" she gave him an amused look.

"Well, I hope your not the one who took a bite. Otherwise I'll like you a lot less" she said with a smile. He however didn't return it as he had a very serious look on his face.

"I would never" she looked at him for a moment, hearing the truth and emotion in the statement. She nodded again

"I believe you". He raised a brow

"And why's that?" He asked. She smirked lightly

"I don't know, maybe you have a trustworthy face" they looked at each other for a couple moments more, no words as they both unapologetically looked over each other's features. After a moment more she cleared her throat and looked back at her book "So i met you in highschool?" She asked changing the subject

"Yes" he responded immediately, his gaze not moving, the blonde sighed

"Please tell me it wasn't painfully cliche, like bumping into each other and dropping all my books" she said rolling her eyes

"No, nothing like that. I actually kept following you around and you said something" she looked up at him raising a brow, that sounded familiar, seeing as that's what he had been doing once again.

"Im not sure if that's charming or not" she said honestly, a hint of humor in her tone. His gaze however was intense and unwavering

"iv missed you. Even if you don't remember me your the same Violet" he said, it was completely off topic, not at all what she was expecting him to say. But still it made her smile

"Thats actually good to hear, sometimes I wonder" she responded honestly. And it was. Another pause happened.

"How was your life with the Voltioi, I know we haven't asked"

"it was....fine at first. but they...killed someone I cared about"

"I'm sorry" he said with a frown his hand went out to hold hers but he caught it, pulling it back to his side. Violet looked down at her lap

"I miss her, sometimes I wonder if it would just be easier to ju-"

"Dont" he interrupted quickly, causing her to look up at him and into his eyes. She observed them for a moment too long.

"I wont" is all she said. He nods. She suddenly narrowed her eyes "You have a ...thing too right" he knew what she meant, and he nodded

"I do" would she ever get him to answer questions with more that two word answers?

"what is it?" She asked

"I can feel others emothions" she narrowed her eyes more

"You can control them too right?" She asked though it sounded more like an accusation

"yes" he responded. She smirked and threw a pointed finger his way

"Ha I knew it! That night in my chambers that was you that calmed me down." He smiled lightly, and she watched as he tipped an invisible cowboy hat.

"Apoligies ma'am" she scoffed rolling her eyes

"Did I ever get you to stop calling me that?" He smirked at her, shrugging his shoulders

"Maybe, maybe not" she narrowed her eyes again with a smirk of her own to match

"Your fisty, I like it"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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Your Pain Is My Misery ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now