🥀Kid Lucio x Kid Reader

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requested by Fairy_Star21 and ButlerCosplay

       by the way if you don't know, Lucio's real name is Montag Morgasson. That will be very important because that is how I refer to him.

Original- 10/18/19

Revised- 1/28/20

Word Count- 1594
      When you were younger You lived in the south, your parents were born there, and decided it was the place they wanted to raise a child, You had a good childhood, you had few friends considering how many people lived in the south. Your best friend was a young boy named Montag Morgasson, you two were best friends since you were little. You did almost everything you could together.

~ Age 10~

      "Hey Monty!" You said as you ran through the snow to your best friend. He turned around as quickly as he could.

      "Y/N!" He said excitedly. You caught up to him and you both continued to walk,

      "So, what are we doing today?" You asked. He looked at you and smiled.

      "I wanna show you something." He said as he grabbed your hand and dragged you off into the snowy forest. All around you were trees covered in snow. He dragged you along, Until you two reached a cave. Montag walked inside, and you stayed outside for a moment, not knowing if you should go inside. 

      "Are you coming Y/N!?" Montag yelled from inside the cave. You gulped and took a step forward into the cave. It was a little warmer than the outside,but still pretty cold, it was also slightly dark, you couldn't really see much. 

      "Montag, where are you!?" You said as you continued to walk through the cave. After a while of walking you felt like you had gotten lost, that is until you felt something tug on your arm. You whipped your head around to see Montag standing there.

      "There you are! I was starting to get worried." He said, you gave him a small smile. This place did creep you out, but you weren't going to let him know that. you two walked around the cave for a while, going further into it. 

      "I like to come here when I need a good yell, It's called my yelling cave." He said. 

      "Yelling cave?" You questioned. Montag smiled at you.

      "Here let me show you." He took a step away from you and let out a loud shout. It echoed around the cave. It sounded like the roar of some beast. This scared you a bit, and when Montag turned around he could tell.

      "Are you okay Y/n?" He said as he took a step closer to you. You shook your head no.

      "I'm scared." You said, It sounded like you were about to cry. Montag pulled you into a hug.

      "it's okay Y/N, I'll protect you. I promise. How about we go back home?" He asked, you looked up at him and nodded your head. As you were walking back home he grabbed your hand to reassure you that nothing bad would happen.

~Age 15~

      You and Montag were out in the forest walking around and talking about everything and anything. 

      "And that's how I scared away that bear." Montag said with a chuckle. You laughed a bit.

      "Wow, so brave." You said holding your hands to your face and pretending to swoon. You both started laughing. What Montag didn't know was that over the past few years you had started to develop a crush on him. That was something you could never ever tell him, it would ruin your friendship.

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