👑Nadia x reader

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Requested by ReallyJustCrazy_Anie

Original- 11/27/19

Revised- 1/28/20

Word Count- 603
      You have known Nadia for a while, and you two had recently started dating. You knew that being with Nadia would be difficult because she is the countess, and she was married to Lucio. Nadia was always busy and at times it could be very upsetting, sometimes she would even have to cancel on dates to take care of important business. You understood that dating her would be rough but you did it anyways because you love her.

      At the moment you were sitting at the table in the dining room looking at the painting on the wall until you heard someone walk into the room. You turned around to see who it is. It was Lucio. You waved and he sat on the other side of the table across from you.

      "What are you doing in here?" Lucio asks. You sigh.

      "I'm waiting for Nadia." You start to play with a fork that was lying on the table. You weren't in there for any specific reason, it was just a quiet place at the time.

      "Oh I see. Yeah she's gonna be busy for a while." You frown a bit.

      "Yeah I thought so. Well I guess I should get going." You said as you stood up and walked towards the door.

      "Got plans?" He said from his seat.

     "Ah no, no I don't, I was thinking about going back to the shop." You said while pointing towards the door. He smirked.

      "Well, I hope you have fun." You smiled a bit.

      "Yeah, kinda doubt that but that's Lucio." You waved and walked out of the room. You walked out of the palace and start to make your way to the shop. Once you get there you take out your key to unlock the door since Asra wasn't there. You walk inside and all the lights are off, you turn them back on and put your bag down on the counter.

      You walk into the back room and turn the lights on, only to see Nadia sitting at the table with a whole meal for two prepared.

      "Nadia... what are you doing here?" You said while smiling.

      "Well, I thought I would surprise you, since I've been working a lot recently." You smiled and went to sit across from her.

       "How did you manage this?" You say motioning to the table.

       "Well, Lucio offered to take over some of the things I needed to today so I could spend some time with you." You smiled and remembered him acting weird this afternoon.

      "That's why he was acting so weird this afternoon." She smiled at you and nodded.

      "Yeah that sounds about right." He isn't too good at keeping secrets." She laughed. You got up and sat next to her.

       "Well, I'm glad you are here. I miss spending time with you." You said and rested your head on her shoulder. She leaned over and kissed you on the head.

      "Well, this food looks lovely, shall we eat?" She asked and you nodded.

~after dinner~

      "That was amazing Nadia." You grabbed her hand.

       "Thank you, I made it myself." She held your hand.

       "I'm happy you enjoyed tonight." She said, you moved a bit closer to her.

      "Yeah, it was amazing. I love you Nadia."

       "I love you too, y/n." She leaned in and captured your lips in a kiss. You wrapped your arms around her shoulder and kissed her back. You two pulled away and you smiled. There was nothing that you would rather be doing right now.

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