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Hey, Kiddos! So this is another where we put ourselves into different universes! This time it's
Marvel. This is before infinity war and will end most likely when infinity war ends(part two). These are our characters! For mine I am including the OC that I introduced in my multifandom oneshot even this is seperate from that story so those events do not count in this story! -A.M.

Ariel's Character-

Name: Hecate/Cate

Age: Her actual age is not specified as she is a goddess but she looks 18 ish

Powers: Her powers are very similar to Loki's as she is a witch

Description: Red hair with eyes that are constantly changing colours.

About: She is the greek goddess of witchcraft and crossroads. She's been around longer than anyone on this team. Even Steve Rodgers. She used to work for Howard Stark and was a close friend of his family. Howard knew what she was quickly and accepted her. She and Tony stayed close, even as when he became Iron Man. She was around during civil war but never choose a side for reasons that will be explained.

Personality: She's a sarcastic as hell genius. She loves her team more than anything and will do anything to protect them!


Name: Tyler O'Brien (yes i just did that)


Powers: Fire and Healing

Description: Dirty Blonde Hair, Hazelish Greenish Eyes and lil freckles

About:She was born with her unique powers.. She finally found the effects when she was 10 years old, when she broke her arm while playing on the mokeybars with Peter.Later on she became associated with STARK Indrustries along with Peter Parker.She has been best friends with Peter Parker since they were 2. In High School she grew a HUGE crush on him. They later started dating and became crime fighting buddy's. She lives with her parents and younger sister Carly (She adores Peter...she's only 6). Soon she became known as FireStorm

Personality: Very oblivious of things sometimes, Kind at heart, Weird but in a good way, Smart, only speaks memes and movie quotes(that's a mood-A.M)


Dark Paradise(Marvel) *book one* Where stories live. Discover now