Edge Of Glory

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i don't think i need to say what's going to be in this

and yes, i know,  a slightly fucked up title



Cut to Thanos's mothership, Sactuary II, which dwarfs the massive ring-ships the Black Order have been using. Gamora sits near the throne deep inside the ship. Thanos walks up, bringing a cup of food and holds it out to her.

"I thought you might be hungry." Thanos says gently.

Gamora takes it, then hurls it across the room where it bangs against Thanos's throne with a loud clack. "I always hated that chair." She says with a grimace.

Thanos smiles, "So I've been told. Even so. I'd hoped you'd sit on it one day."

"I hated this room. This ship. I hated my life." She recalls, looking back at her past.

Thanos' smiles widens, "You told me that too." He mounts two of the four steps to his throne, turns, and sits on the second from the top. "Every day. For almost twenty years."

"I was a child when you took me." Gamora growls.

Thanos' smile falls, "I saved you." He snaps.

Gamora rolls her eyes and scoffs, "No. No. We were happy on my home planet."

"Going to bed hungry, scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I'm the one who stopped that. Do you know what's happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It's a paradise." Thanos recalls of the planet he believes he saved.

"Because you murdered half the planet."

"A small price to pay for salvation."

Gamora rolls her eyes, "You're insane."

"Little one, it's a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction." He explains.

"You don't know that!" She yells.

Thanos scowls as his egotistical narcissism prevents him from fully listening to her, "I'm the only one who knows that. At least, I'm the only one with the will to act on it." he stands again and walks back to Gamora. "For a time you had that same will as you fought by my side. Daughter."

"I'm not your daughter. Everything I hate about myself, you taught me." She snaps.

"And in doing so, made you the fiercest woman in the galaxy. That's why I trusted you to find the Soul Stone."

Gamora's heart stops for a moment before straightening up, "I'm sorry I disappointed you."

"I am disappointed. But not because you didn't find it." He leans down to put their heads at a level, whispering fiercely. "But because you did. And you lied."

Thanos and Gamora stand outside a large solid door that slides open vertically as they approach, then pause as a set of inner doors made of interlacing metal slide away. Inside, we see Nebula face-on, suspended horizontally in the air in the middle of the room, her breath shuddering in pain.

"Nebula." Gamora gasps as she hurries to to Nebula's left side, and we now see that she has been partially disassembled, her components stretched apart -- a cybernetic version of the medieval torture rack.

"Don't do this." Gamora says, tears forming in her eyes.

"Some time ago, your sister snuck aboard this ship to kill me." Thanos says. you deserve it and so does she. petition to let nebula kill thanos

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